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Reading your messages and comments the most often I come across this question: “Anka – how should I get started?”. “I want to eat healthily but it’s so hard to make the first step.”
I am very happy to inform you that I became an ambassador of the VitaImmun Medical Center in Poznań....
Fats have not always had a good reputation, but fortunately they are slowly recovering. You are increasingly asking about healthy...
Today its about another controversial topic - dietary supplements. Should we take it or not?
Grapefruit and its extract until recently had enjoyed an unquestionably good reputation among doctors and nutritionists. With helping to fight the infections and free radicals and strengthening the immune system.
Free radical molecules are characterized by free, unpaired electrons. The most devastating are the free oxygen radicals, which tend to...
When you become a mum, there is not much time to exercise and it is harder to find extra time.
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