Colour therapy
Our present day lifestyle is connected with plenty of stressors and they affect us every day.
Many of us live in a permanent stress that makes our body fight constantly. Our organisms are not prepared for this biologically. A constant overproduction of the stress hormones and all the reactions evoked by them cause:
- more glucose constantly being released, which leads to diabetes
- constant weakening of lymphocytes, and the entire immune system in this way, in effect, you catch infections easily as well as have difficulties dealing with them
- the action of the heart is disturbed, which results in its serious diseases
- the digestive system to be disturbed
- long-lasting muscles tension, which is painful
- the reproductive system dysfunctions, which may lead to problems with becoming pregnant, libido is also lowered
Those are only a few effects of constant stress. Besides, it hugely affects our way of perceiving reality and behaviour, because the work of the brain and the entire nervous system is affected. Hence our problems with concentration, memory problems, nervousness, migraines, anxiety states. A lot of people report insomnia that makes stress bigger. Compulsive behaviour appear and some give in to bad habits.
It’s worth taking care of the internal balance, of which I wrote in my book. One of the ways to achieve the internal balance is to surround yourself with the right COLOURS!!!
Monochrome interiors full of greyness are not good for serenity, the same is with the combination of black and white. This is because every colour emits its own specific waves to our brains, so we should be surrounded by colours that are related to a relaxing atmosphere: light green or calming blue. Yellow is warm and cheerful, orange gives you power, red is stimulating, so it’s better to have an accent of red rather than huge red surfaces.
Flowers in vases or plants in pots have a calming effect and improve mood. And clothes of course – on a gloomy day put on yellow shoes – every glance at them will improve your mood 🙂
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