How to Deal With the Heat?
Summer is my favorite season. It’s natural that on long sunny days I have more energy, willingness to act, and more optimism than during the autumn and winter weather. However, summer also has some downsides. Are you still comfortable when the temperature outside is above 30℃? Today I want to tell you how to deal with the heat, what I do to feel good when the climate outside resembles that of a desert, and you still have to work and function just like every day.
First Point – Hydration!
It is no news that hydration is the basis of taking care of your health. When temperatures are soaring, it becomes even more important. Remember that we lose a lot of water with sweat, when our body, trying to naturally lower its temperature during hot weather, cools down, releasing sweat. You can read about how much water you need each day HERE and HERE.
Not only the quantity, but also the quality of what we drink is important. It is worth choosing water with appropriate mineralization that will replace the lost electrolytes. If you work out on hot days, introducing isotonic drinks is a good idea. More information about them can be found in my article HERE.
Staying hydrated doesn’t just mean drinking water. Smoothies, soups, fruit (e.g. watermelon, melon, strawberries, citrus fruit) and vegetables (e.g. zucchini, tomato, pepper, cucumber, radish) are also valuable sources of fluid. It is a good idea to have them in hot weather, and for inspiration to prepare cool drinks, smoothies, and cold soups look HERE and HERE.
Protect Yourself From the Scorching Sun!
The sun’s rays undoubtedly have a positive effect on us in the context of the production of vitamin D in the skin. However, too intense exposure to the sun without sunscreen protection and a hat on our head can end in burns, strokes, and in the long run even skin cancer. That’s why it is crucial to remember to sunbathe responsibly on hot and sunny days, stay mainly in shaded areas, use sunscreen on your skin, always wear a hat, and even stay at home until the weather outside is more pleasant and bearable for our body. This is especially important for children and the elderly, so remember to take care of your loved ones in hot weather! What’s more, don’t forget about your pets, as they also need protection. Make sure they always have access to water, take them for a walk in the early morning and after sunset, and choose shaded areas. My dog, Bella, loves to jump into the water or cool off under the garden sprinkler.
Training on Hot Days ?!
When you feel that it is difficult for you to walk a short distance, and every effort causes discomfort, it is worth giving up training during the highest temperatures. So, should we give up working out? Well, no. It is enough to change the time of training to early morning or late evening, when the temperature is much more tolerable, or simply do your workout in an air-conditioned place. This will protect you from overheating, and you can also read my tips on how to train on hot days HERE.
Another solution will be a visit to the swimming pool or going for a swim in a lake or sea under the supervision of a lifeguard. However, remember to use the guarded bathing areas, even if you are great swimmers. High temperatures can affect your physical abilities, and safety is the first priority!
Diet in Hot Weather!
When it’s boiling hot, we often have no appetite or we mainly want ice cream to cool down. Is this the wrong way? Yes and no! On days with high temperatures, it is important to have easily digestible meals, full of fruit and vegetables. As I’ve already mentioned, we then lose a lot of water, and along with sweat, we also lose valuable electrolytes. To replenish them, you will need a proper diet. Fruit-based smoothies, fruit sorbets, soups, including cold soups, as well as salads will work great here. As a source of protein, it is worth choosing fish, eggs or lean meat prepared in an easily digestible way, e.g. roast or steamed. Side dishes such as groats, rice or potatoes will be a source of energy, fiber and B vitamins.
Very spicy, fried and fatty dishes will make you feel heavy, and may also naturally contribute to difficulties in lowering your body temperature due to the intense digestive processes. Cooking for a long time on hot days is not pleasant, so I recommend recipes that do not require a lot of work and time spent in the kitchen.You can find plenty of them in my Diet&Training by Ann application. There are e.g. cold soups and salads, and if you are looking for additional inspiration, look HERE. For those who totally refuse to cook in hot weather, catering service can help. SuperMenu will be the perfect solution here.
All in all, summer is a great time! However, remember that hot days can be dangerous if you stay in the sun without protection and forget about hydration. If you’re not a fan of plain water, try preparing flavored water with some fruit and herbs, or homemade lemonade, you can also find them HERE. When you follow a healthy diet, have the right amount of fluid intake, and schedule your workout in the early morning instead of noon, even hot days can become really pleasant. I wish you a wonderful, sunny summer!
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