Guarana? Working miracles!
Guarana? Working miracles!
You can not imagine a morning without coffee?
I understand you 🙂
Coffee gives you a powerful kick, without which it is difficult to start the day. However, with frequent consumption, I find that many people acquire intolerance to coffee beans.
How about a healthy replacement?
In Brazil, a wonderful plant is growing, and a drink made from its seeds can arouse and work miracles. The name is “Guarana” because I talk about it, comes from the name of the tribe that inhabited Brazilian terrain.
The plant has been appreciated for hundreds of years, and is known for its stimulant properties.
No surprises! Its seeds contain an enormous amount of guaranine, which differs from caffeine only by the chemical formula. Drinking from such grains provides energy for 6 hours, it is much longer than coffee !!!
Guarana benefits from the fact that it is not addictive as the popular “black coffee”, and drinking it does not cause any side effects. This makes guarana recommended to those who complain about energy loss, chronic fatigue, drowsiness and lack of motivation for daily activities.
This is just one of the benefits of wonderful Amazon seeds.
 Other benefits:
- are a component of drugs for headache
- they are a valuable preparation for slimming as they accelerate the reduction of body fat, overstimulate metabolism and inhibit hunger.
- they fight cellulite
- They fight with impotency in men, increasing blood flow also in the penis
- have antioxidant properties
- strengthen the immune system
- antimicrobial, antimicrobial and anti-viral (alcoholic extract against Escherichia coli, pseudomonas fluorescens, Bacillus cereus and Aspergillus niger,
- Trichoderma viride, Penicillium cyclopium.
- promote detoxification of the body
- have a doping effect
Guarana works directly on the nervous system and secretes appropriate hormones and neurotransmitters such as dopamine, seratonin, and adrenaline. This process leads to happiness, euphoria and extra energy, and increases physical and mental capacity. Guarana stimulates the respiratory, vascular, and vagal nerves.
In addition guarana seeds contain a number of other active substances (adenine, choline, catechin, hypoxanthin, saponin, theophylline, theobromine, starch and essential oils).
This rich composition:
- It stimulates the brain and thus improves memory, concentration and well-being
- fights depressive states
- increases the reflexes, makes us immune to stress
- Tannins are excellent in fighting diarrhea
- It works diuretic and purifies the blood
Guarana is not for you if:
- you have high blood pressure
- you suffer from heart disease
- you are pregnant or breastfeeding
- you have hyperthyroidism
- you are diabetic
- you suffer from arthritis, peptic ulcer, osteoporosis
- you have reflux
Overdose of guarana occurs rarely, but if it will happen you will notice at home:
- insomnia
- hyperactivity and anxiety
- exasperation
- constipation
- you will lose your appetite
- You feel nausea, abdominal pain and dizziness
- You will have an accelerated heartbeat,
You can get Guarana powder ( HERE), in the form of tablets and as a component of energy drinks. If you choose the first option, then on my blog you will find a recipe for guarana smoothie (HERE).
The standard dose of guarana for an adult should not exceed 100 mg per day. If it is to replace coffee then add to the cocktail 75 mg. You can also spread the recommended dose for the whole day. Remember, do not eat guarana in the evening or at night, because it can make it difficult to sleep peacefully.
It is recommended for everyone who is fighting for a slim figure! Get better results by combining guarana with green tea and following a healthy diet. Of course there is no substitute for training, which will significantly shorten the path to the goal.
Good news for athletes! With guarana you will feel the energy flow, but … do not forget about regeneration! Because of its stimulating properties, guarana is also an excellent solution for people who work mentally and physically.
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