Improve liver function. How?
Not every one of us is fortunate to live outside the city, to breathe fresh air, eat fresh vegetables and fruits, pick up eggs each morning and buy meat from a butcher neighbor. The vast majority of people live in big cities, inhale fumes and air with pollution , food shopping is done in supermarkets, on shelves you have imported vegetables and fruits, and in refrigerators there is a meat of unknown origin.
You often decide on ready-made products to save time on cooking. Such choices are dictated by the lack of time. They seem to be innocent sinners, but they lead to many harms, and the whole problem falls on our liver. We usually don’t even know we have a problem with it because we do not feel any pain. If we start to feel uncomfortable, it is too late, because you can feel the pain only when the liver is infected by 70%.
Studies show that only one in every 100,000 people has a perfectly healthy liver.
Do you think you belong to a happy minority?
However, if you drink alcohol, sweetened beverages, eat processed foods and take medicines, you should read this article!
I already wrote about how to support liver HERE.
Today I will write about a product that can significantly help your liver
How often do you feel tired and lethargic?
Are you having trouble concentrating?
Start taking care of your liver before it’s too late. First of all, pay attention to what you buy to eat, because most products contain flavor enhancers, stabilizers, preservatives and other harmful substances. It will all go to the liver, and liver will constantly work in order to detox our body. Within a minute, it purifies one and a half liters of your blood from all environmental contaminants.
Not everything is over yet! You can carry out a home remedy to rebuild your liver cells. Simply put into the menu Silybum (milk thistle) a source of flavonoids, a group of organic compounds, plant origin, derived from seed shells. Its effect is strong and effective. It is also used to treat cirrhosis of the liver and chronic inflammation. Liver healing is a vicious circle, but the milk thistle will help you in a natural way.
The ecological cultivation of milk thistle is very expensive, but if we want to help ourselves and we do not want to throw money into the mud, then we should buy only good quality product. Be careful of the products of unknown origin and the cheapest deals, because you will probably spend money, and there will be no use for it. Choose the full grain of the highest content of Silybum, grown without chemicals, which costs a lot of work. Pay attention for it to be cleaned of larvae and insect manure and subjected to laboratory control, so it does not contain salmonella, E. coli, aflatoxins, yeasts, molds and other microorganisms.
Make sure the seeds are fresh, which will increase assimilation and therefore efficiency! Only biologically active silybum is able to help your liver recover.
You will soon notice effects, that is, your energy will return, you will start burning fat faster, you will clean the arteries from bad cholesterol and provide more oxygen to the cells.
What other products help with liver regeneration?
- Lemon juice – purifies blood from toxins, acting against fungus and bacteria in your blood.
- Cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli – contain a lot of sulfur, which stimulates liver function
- Avocado – a source of glutathione, contains a lot of vitamin E strong antioxidant that disrupts oxygen free radicals.
- Beetroots – contain betaine
- Nettle – herb cleansing blood, removes toxic substances from the blood
- Bleeding Flower – cleanses the blood and promotes liver function.
- Healthy fats – ghee butter, coconut oil, olive oil, linseed oil
- Dandelion, burdock – removes toxins from the digestive tract and from the blood.
- Indian nymph, Neem tree – antifungal and antiviral, purifies the blood.
- Also remember to thoroughly chew the food and the right order of consumption. The detoxification process can also be increased by sweating (regular sport, sauna)
All the best!
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