The Condition of the Intestines and Hidden Hypersensitivity – Tests Worth Doing
Many people struggle with the problem of recurring infections, flatulence, abdominal pain, constipation and/or diarrhea, as well as the lack of desired weight loss in spite of being careful about their diet and doing exercise. All this makes them feel worse and they lack motivation to continue. If you eat a healthy diet, exercise regularly, and still fail to achieve the desired results or suffer from chronic gastrointestinal ailments, it is worth considering whether the cause of the problem lies deeper… or, to be more precise – in the gut as it might turn out to be hidden food hypersensitivity.
Gut bacteria, our friends
The human digestive tract is inhabited by about 1.5kg of bacteria! Unfortunately, it is inhabited not only by beneficial, pro-health bacteria, but also potentially pathogenic and yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida. The proportions are key: if good microbes dominate, pathogens will not be able to multiply. However, disturbances in this balance occur very often.
Modern lifestyle is not conducive to gut health. We live in a rush, under stress, we eat highly processed products, we use painkillers in excessive amounts, we eat too few products that support the development of beneficial intestinal microorganisms (e.g. fruit, vegetables, lacto-fermented pickles). Such a lifestyle leads to intestinal dysbiosis, a condition in which pathogens and pathogenic fungi gain an advantage over pro-health microorganisms, thus causing a number of symptoms, such as:
- flatulence
- diarrhea
- stomach pain,
- recurring infections (including the genitourinary system),
- mood disorders.
It is worth noting that there is a tool that we can use to check the condition of our intestinal microflora! MikroFloraScan is a microflora screening that assesses the number of selected pro-health, immunity-stimulating, potentially pathogenic and yeast-like bacteria. This analysis, combined with a detailed assessment of the patient’s health problems, leads to the creation of targeted, individual probiotic supplementation to ensure optimal support for your microflora.
Hidden hypersensitivity
When looking for the causes of gastric problems, consider the possibility of food intolerances. Many products, commonly considered healthy and having health-promoting substances, can unfortunately be harmful to us. Apart from gastrointestinal symptoms, intolerances are often accompanied by: skin changes, migraines, autoimmune diseases, muscle and joint pain, and mood disorders.
Detecting latent (delayed) food hypersensitivity, commonly known as food intolerance, is difficult. We often do a lot of tests that seemingly do not indicate health problems, and yet we still feel bad. Then it is worth performing diagnostic tests for latent reactions to food.
Hidden food hypersensitivity is the process of producing specific IgG and IgA antibodies to the foods we eat. A delayed reaction means that the time between eating the food we don’t tolerate and the onset of symptoms can range from 8 to 96 hours, so it is virtually impossible to identify the sensitizing food yourself! Meanwhile, our body develops inflammation, which results in a gradual deterioration of our health and well-being.
The FoodScreen study, unique on the Polish market, may be helpful, as it provides the most comprehensive diagnosis of latent reactions to food. In order to fully diagnose latent allergy, IgA antibodies should be determined along with specific IgG antibodies because both food hypersensitivity may occur completely independently. This allows you to identify foods that trigger hypersensitivity, implement an appropriate elimination diet, and consequently reduce inflammation and improve your well-being.
You can do the above-mentioned MikroFloraScan and FoodScreen tests at the Vitaimmun Medical Center (check their offer HERE). If you have been struggling for a long time with ailments that keep coming back and you have not been able to determine the cause of the problem so far, then doing these examinations is definitely a good idea. Free telephone consultations with specialists are included in the examination. They are ready to answer all your questions and doubts. Remember that finding the causes of your ailments is the first step to successfully get rid of them 🙂
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