Amaranthus and spelt bread
Add the water, yeast and agave syrup, then mix everything and put aside for a few minutes to rest.
Mix flour with salt, oil, flax seeds and walnuts and other ingredients. Put in a warm place until the dough rises (about 20min). Preheat the oven at 200 degrees. Cake put into baking mold, lined with baking paper. Brush oil on top and place in the oven. Bake about 1 hour at 180 degrees (Celsius)
* Amaranth stores a lot of valuable minerals – contains phosphorus, iron, calcium, potassium and magnesium.
A large amount of fiber works against cholesterol and cleanses the digestive tract. They also contain anti-aging compounds (squalenes) and antioxidants.
Due to the high content of iron, it has a good influence for the treatment of anemia and it is also recommended in the diet of pregnant women.
You do not know what type of flour to choose?
Flour: types e.g. 450, 500, 750, 2000. Numbers are to inform us about the content of minerals in it. The higher the ratio, the more nutrients and a healthier product.
Flour type 450 contains only 0.45% of such minerals, dietary fiber does not have any vitamins.
Four type 2000 has 2% of minerals
Which wholemeal flour should we choose? The best wheat flour is a type 3000 – 3% minerals, there is also rye flour type 2000 – a 2% of minerals.
Did you know that …
The brighter flour and the lighter the bread, the less nutrients is in it L