Sweet cravings
I often watch, especially in women, eating sweets between meals. Explanataion is usually similar: “I have to eat something sweet to have energy”.
The question is whether it is simply craving or food errors or lack of proper ingredients in the diet? Or maybe something more serious, like sugar addiction? And now the most important – what to do with it?
It turns out that there is no clear answer. For each person the reason may be different. It is good to find out why, because eating sweets is simply unhealthy! Compulsive food is not the result of hunger, but the need for comfort. In this way, we give the body a moment of relief and mood improvement. Sugar itself has many reactions, but it is addictive. And to a degree similar to drugs! And the necessity of eating something sweet after a meal is a reflex that is incompatible with the physiology of the body.
Main reason for sweet cravings:
- lack of adequate sleep and chronic fatigue
- poorly composed daily menu (low in macronutrients, minerals and vitamins)
- Too little healthy fats in the diet
- syndromes, including: blood sugar fluctuations, insulin resistance
- impaired hormonal management
- addiction to sugar
Defeat it! Step by step
Take care of your diet
Start by analyzing your current menu. Think about if it contains enough protein and fats to give you a sense of satiety. The menu can not consist of carbohydrates alone (though unfortunately this is a common scenario).
-It is best to limit the carbohydrate diet and toss out of it simple sugars (sugar, sweeteners, biscuits, cakes, chocolate). Sometimes you also need to give up natural honey and reduce the amount of fruit you eat. Research confirms that excess fructose is more dangerous than excess glucose. Eating fruit can cause blood sugar fluctuations, and our task is its regulation
– Remember about healthy fats and protein. At least 20-30% of daily calories should be used for animal and vegetable fats. The menu must also find the right amount of protein (meat, fish, eggs) that will provide the amino acids needed for the proper functioning of the brain. Proteins also give you a sense of satiety for a long time.
– Cause of sweet urge can also me find in deficiency of appropriate minerals and vitamins responsible for proper metabolism of carbohydrates. Most often they are deficiencies of zinc, chromium and magnesium and l-glutamine, which in appropriate amounts, can reduce appetite. Enter products in your menu containing the listed ingredients (nuts, seeds) or use the appropriate supplement.
Take care of your sleep
Nothing regenerates and … slim as good as a good sleep. Increasing stress during the day, too much caffeine and energy drinks, too little rest, no balanced diet and a complete diet. Effect? Excessive appetite, especially for sweetness! 🙁
The next puzzle piece is the hormonal imbalance. Many studies confirm that lack of sleep, chronic fatigue or oxidative stress are associated with being overweight. Why is this happening? two hormones are to blame
– leptin and grelin, which are responsible for satiety and hunger. The first one is secreted in fat cells and is responsible for suppressing hunger. Grelin has a strong appetite for high energy products, such as sweet snacks. Studies suggest that lack of sleep causes ghrelin secretion and lower leptin levels, which slows down metabolism and produces hunger a constant and difficult to satisfy.
Remember about GI
Consumption of sweets that have a high glycemic index (in short: after eating blood sugar levels rapidly rise and fall), causes insulin to burst into blood and then significantly decrease its level. The result is increased appetite. So instead of being smitten – we have a whim and it’s usually for something “sweet”. If you want to control your blood sugar level, try to choose low GI (below 50). Give up for some time breakfasts containing instant oatmeal, dried fruit, etc. These products have a very high IG.
Set aside or replace
.I know it’s hard, but it’s worth it. Set yourself a goal, prepare your body and try , and you’ll see that it’s worth it. It will not be easy, but you can divide your sugar detox into parts. Try to be consistent. Most dificult are the first 3 days. Taste cups are exchanged every 10-14 days. Tighten your teeth and survive this time. There are so many alternatives, my suggestions are in the box below.
Healthy change
- ready cakes, cookies, ice cream change for vegetables or healthy homemade sweets and pastries.
- introduce to your diet spices that reduce appetite for sweets. First of all: cinnamon, chili, ginger, cardamom, cloves.
- Be well organized Determine how many times a day you should eat to eliminate snacking. It’s an individual affair for everyone. Maybe it will be 3, maybe 5, maybe 6 meals – you know your body best.
- Do not get bored, and if you see you catch another snack after dinner and you’re in the kitchen – drink a glass of water and make 10 situps. Check – it works!
- About 2-3 liters a day.
- When you go to a store, especially food store, dont be hungry and always have a shopping list with you! You will not go between the sweets shelves
- Get rid of all unhealthy sweets from home!
Good luck 🙂
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