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Ceviche is a healthy way to prepare raw fish. It involves marinating the fish in lemon juice with the addition of oriental flavors that dominate in the dish. It is healthy dish and easy to digest.
Liver - take care of your health!
Idea for breakfast for pregnant women? I have a lot of questions from women in this beautiful period of life, they are asking what to eat, or I can give any suggestion.
Today, a little bit of regeneration and wellness at home.
I have a few culinary favorites, without which I cant imagine autumn season. One of them are edible chestnuts. I love it in any form - whether in the food, baked in the oven, or even in the form of flour :)
Today I have for you some tips on how to prepare a good steak. Keeping these few important rules in...
As many of you, I like warm countries, the sun and the view of the sea ... so if I had to choose future incarnation ... it would be a COCONUT :)
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