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As every year before Christmas I start to miss the snow crunching under my foot and the search for shelter from absolute cold while im wrapped in a scarf, hat and thick mittens.
Obese people who want to bring their body into the desired shape and weight, usually want to get the goal very fast ... too fast.
Today spontaneous mousse '' I have at home only a pumpkin and one banana'' :) but in my kitchen there is always coconut milk and spices, so let's start.
Messages with yours metamorphosis are appearing in my mailbox. I am super happy :) !!!!
With the current autumn and the colder months, we notice greater desire for carbohydrates, especially those not healthy .. I try meet you half way and share with you more healthy alternatives, eg. cake :)
You often ask if they can be replace by an ordinary coconut oil?
I am pleased to announce that yesterday in Poland we launched a unique advertising campaign! On billboards and city lights...
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