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Do you want to suprise your guests with something delicious? Banana brownie is always a good idea! It’s super easy and yummy. And most of the work is done by the oven :)
Physical activity brings effects only if it’s severity is mild. The healthiest way to train is 3-4-5 times a week. Pick the training that are right for your age, level and condition.
Spring's finally here, but we'll need to wait a while for early spring vegetables though. The weather changes constantly, so let's eat root veggies - warming-up and healthy.
Spring and holidays! Everything will turn green soon, plants will start to grow and look for the sun.
Dears, whatever the reason for celebration is - let it be the Resurrection or spring - I just want to wish you happiness, joy, warmth of family love, smiles and love.
When I'm visiting my mom's I'm always looking forward to using fresh herbs from her garden.
Usually, the king of the Easter table is our Polish vegetable salad, covered in mayonnaise. I recommend and alternative :).
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