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„My dreams are my plans” Martyna Wojciechowska I couldn’t agree more. Below you will find three steps that will...
I encourage all future mums to have an active lifestyle. While respecting the basic principle the risk for pregnancy is minimal, and the benefits for you and your child are enormous.
The New Year usually means new resolutions! If you have healthy food or a diet rich in vegetables on your...
How to achieve our dreams? More and more often I meet women who reach for their dreams, and we all...
Time definitely goes by too fast! Today we say goodbye to the year 2019 🙂 And I have a recipe...
Pregnancy is a magical time for all moms-to-be. A new life is developing in us so planning a starter kit...
Hello everyone on this after-holiday morning 🙂 Are you full? And happy? I hope you are! I have prepared this...
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