Chocolate Buckwheat Porridge with a Warm Banana
I’m sure you have heard loads of times that buckwheat is a superfood. I couldn’t agree more! It is a great source of fiber, B vitamins, folic acid and magnesium. What’s more, as a naturally gluten-free product, it is a great solution in the diet of people with celiac disease or allergies and hypersensitivity to gluten (you can read more about food allergies and intolerances HERE).
Despite its undeniable nutritional value, buckwheat is not as popular as it could be, especially with children. The reason is quite distinctive, strong taste. That is why today I have prepared a recipe for something less common – sweet buckwheat groats.
In stores you can find both roasted buckwheat and the white, unroasted version. They differ not only in color, but also in taste and flavor. Unroasted buckwheat is more delicate and its bitterness is less noticeable. That is why I choose it for sweet dishes.
Before cooking, I rinsed the groats twice under cold running water and then cooked it in coconut drink. I cut the banana lengthwise and heated it in a pan with the addition of cinnamon. I added the remaining ingredients to the buckwheat porridge and stirred thoroughly. I transferred it into a bowl and put the warm cinnamon banana on top. Yummy!
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