Comparing Yourself to Others – How to Avoid Falling Into the Trap?
I often show you on my social media the transformations of users who changed their lifestyle to a healthier one and achieved their individual goals. I hope that it is also an opportunity for them to appreciate their effort, courage, perseverance, and to remember what their path to the current stage was like. I am happy to see your comments on the metamorphoses and the congratulations you give to all the Fighters.
However, I know that we need balance in everything, and when looking around we sometimes fall into the unhealthy trap of comparing ourselves to others instead of drawing inspiration and motivation from their stories! Can we avoid it…?
Being Yourself
We all have different capabilities and predispositions. It is important to be aware of the limits that we cannot exceed. I mean, among other things, body structure. It is true that you can change your silhouette through healthy nutrition and regular activity, as evidenced by, among others, your metamorphoses and reports on challenges that I regularly organize for you. Still, there are some aspects that are beyond our control. Wide hips, body height, leg length – I often hear that you are dissatisfied with certain features of your appearance that cannot be changed. What you can do and what I encourage you to do is to accept yourself and focus on what you actually have influence on 🙂
Comparison vs. Inspiration
Looking at the achievements of other women can be extremely motivating. Their stories show that despite many obstacles and difficulties, you can achieve a lot. Remember, however, that being inspired by the transformations of other Fighters should never take the form of absolute comparisons to them. Despite many similarities, each of us is different: we have different jobs, household responsibilities, financial possibilities, individual past experiences, the environment in which we live, and relationships with loved ones. All this significantly affects the change process and its chances of success.
Therefore, instead of putting yourself on an equal footing with other women, let them become a source of inspiration and motivation that will drive you to action! Observe what solutions worked in their case – maybe it will also be suitable for you, and if not, don’t be afraid to look further.
The Power of Support – the Power of Women
The beginning of March is a special time in women’s lives. As you celebrate Women’s Day this year, try to truly appreciate yourself. Acceptance does not mean a closed door to change. It’s simply the comfort of being yourself, which makes it easier to reach your goal every day.
If you lack support, look around. There will definitely be someone who will motivate you to take action. Don’t forget about virtual support – our Facebook group, Instagram. Despite the distances that separate us, we can stay in touch and walk the path towards health together. Health, which means complete well-being – both in the physical and mental aspect 🙂
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