Easy Ways to Move More
An active lifestyle is not only about regular training, which I wrote more about HERE. It turns out that oftentimes what the rest of the day looks like and how much we move while performing everyday activities is much more important. It has been shown that in some cases the difference in energy expenditure related solely to non-training activity of people of the same weight and height can be up to approximately 2,000 kcal per day! You must admit it’s amazing! This shows how important our overall lifestyle and actions we take every day are in the context of health.
In my previous text on this topic, I gave you only a few ways to increase your daily activity. It’s high time for more ideas! 🙂
A Coffee Break? Add Exercise!
A morning coffee break at work is some people’s favorite part of the day. You can catch your breath for a moment, take your mind off the duties and stimulate yourself with this warm infusion. How about, apart from the caffeine, getting a boost of energy from a few minutes of physical exercise? Turn on the coffee machine or kettle, and then, instead of passively waiting for your favorite drink, do a few bends, jumps or squats! It may seem that it is only 2 minutes of exercise. But many of us drink 3–4 coffees a day, which gives us about 8 minutes of exercise a day! If you add a 20-minute intense workout after returning from work, you receive a total of half an hour of active exercise.
An Active Break Outdoors
It has long been known that fresh air and contact with nature effectively regenerate our mind and body. If your work schedule allows it, try to go out for fresh air during your break. Recharge your energy with sun rays and nature. If you spend a lot of time in front of a computer screen, this will be a great opportunity to rest your eyes. Combine it with stretching exercises, which will have a beneficial effect on the spine.
Daily Cleaning — an Opportunity to Exercise
Cleaning is sometimes a greater feat for the muscles than intense training on the mat! But it’s not just about washing windows or floors. Each of you certainly does small cleaning work every day in the kitchen, bedroom or living room, like emptying the dishwasher, wiping kitchen countertops, making the bed, doing laundry, etc. Since these are necessary activities that consume your valuable time anyway, it is worth using them as best as possible. Try to engage as many muscle groups as possible in these simple activities, and also perform a few bends and additional steps. It may turn out that in the overall scheme of things it really matters.
Musical Endorphin Generator
Music is a powerful stimulus for movement. When you hear your favorite cheerful melody, it’s hard not to dance! You know that I love bachata with all my heart and I am constantly discovering new dance styles. This beautiful adventure confirmed my belief that music and movement are one of the best combinations. Play your favorite song whenever you feel like it and let yourself dance freely! This is a great idea if you work at a desk for a long time and want to wake up your body. A dance break will definitely do!
An Inconspicuous Change
What if your daily duties force you to stand in a queue at the post office, commute long hours by public transport to school or work, shop in a crowded supermarket, etc.? Is it possible to move more in such circumstances? Yes, it is! This requires some creativity and mindfulness, but you can definitely change something for the better here. While standing in line, you can step from one foot to the other, slightly bend your knees, correct your body position by tightening your abs and buttocks muscles, and do a few heel raises. Similarly, when you are standing on a bus or tram (of course, all in compliance with safety rules). Such small, inconspicuous changes are important — not only for the energy expenditure, but also for the health of the circulatory system.
Every move you make matters, and we have to remember about it not only when training on the mat. I do hope you will find these tips useful and implement them in your everyday activity. By increasing your daily activity and adding regular training to it, you can achieve truly great results – not only in terms of your figure, but, above all, in terms of your health 🙂
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