Fair Play – Not Only in Sport
Today, for a change, the post will be short, but very important and close to my heart. That’s why I wanted to share my thoughts with you 🙂
We most often hear the expression “fair play” in reference to sports competitions or understand it as a kind of sports attitude. As I have a background in sport, this principle has always been close to my heart. When thinking about “fair play”, we have certain attitudes at the back of our heads that characterize players/or people, including:
- impartial evaluation,
- equality with opponents/with another person,
- respect for the opponent/another person.
There is no desire, in a sporting fight, to win at any cost. Unfortunately, in everyday life, we sometimes meet people on our way who are hungry for victory, success above all else, regardless of social norms, or the well-being of another person. It is usually done without consideration for the pain or the disappointment caused. I have experienced such situations more than once and I am sure you have, too. Unfortunately, there is no cure for this, no medicine for good and proper functioning in society. We are responsible for ourselves, we regulate our own behavior. That is why I always say we should treat others as we would like to be treated. Also, never do the other person what hurts us. Let’s be fair to ourselves and others, let’s show good examples, let’s talk about what hurts us in the behavior of other people. Let’s be straight. Don’t let someone treat us badly while we try to reach out…
Overcome evil with good, that’s the rule I follow! 🙂
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