THE ROAD TO HEALTH: We See Life the Way We Think About It. 15 Ways to Get Out of Your Comfort Zone
This time in our series “The Road to Health. Do You Know that… ?” I want to write why it’s sometimes a good idea to introduce changes into our lives ?
How to improve the comfort of your life? How to minimize stress? How to leave your comfort zone? Building new habits is an easy way to leave your comfort zone which also reduces your stress. If you change the way you perceive yourself from someone who always sticks to old habits, the most convenient ones, it will be much easier to accept many things in life. ?
Here are the 15 ways to do that ?
1. Don’t be afraid of new things!
Go to a new place with friends, meet someone new, watch something new, from a different field of interest, find a new place for walks, try new physical activities ?
Do not give up new tastes in the kitchen! Instead of choosing meat-only dishes, try a vegetarian alternative. If you usually go for beef, go for fish this time. You haven’t tried Chinese cuisine – have a go! Why not? It is worth breaking old habits to broaden your horizons. You might discover new delicious flavors that you didn’t know existed.
2. Smile at everyone
Smile as often as possible!
Smile at your co-workers, the lady at the checkout in the supermarket, your loved ones, and smile at yourself when you look in the mirror.
You will notice the changes ? I am sure you will.
3. Cook something new and healthy
Cooking is a way to relax for me. I invite my older daughter, Klara, to help me.
It’s an opportunity for us to spend some quality time together, Klara learns new tastes and skills, and I come up with something new for you ?
4. Gratitude. Find a quiet moment for yourself – breathe and listen to nature
Close the door to your office, turn off the music and the Internet and focus on the most important thing, think about a nice thing that happened to you today, breathe calmly. Think about what you are grateful for in your life. You can do some breathing exercises. The Balance function, which you will find in my application HERE, will also be helpful ? If you have more time, take a walk and admire the beauty of nature.
5. Listen to music, new songs, sing along and DANCE!
You don’t need to have any exceptional music abilities or complete dance courses. If you enjoy it, just do it and enjoy the energy! You can create a playlist of your favorite positive songs that will be perfect when you feel blue.
6. Read something new, something that broadens YOUR MIND, or helps you learn new skills
Why not try a new book on psychology, cookery or a specialist magazine? You set the limits to your own self-development – break them! We learn all our lives and it is never too late to learn new skills. If you prefer, you can look for interesting information online, e.g. you might find an inspiring travel blog. Search! ?
7. Hold your temper
Approach each new day with kindness, refrain from anger, sarcasm, and if you feel frustrated, accept it and think where it comes from. Is there anything that makes you unhappy? Think about it and try to approach the problem with understanding and willingness to solve it.
Do you find it hard to handle your nerves? Get them off your head! A walk? A workout? Or maybe a hot bath? How about talking to a friend? Use these methods as often as possible and they will help you approach difficulties with reduced tension. As a result, you will come up with solutions faster.
8. Plan your day, plan your shopping for the week ahead
That will save you loads of time. You will also organize and plan your week. Plan what you are going to eat and what you will need throughout the coming week. Then do the shopping.
This will reduce stress,
It will also reduce stress, give you the opportunity to enjoy the week and focus on other duties. Moreover, you will notice the financial benefits. By following the list, we avoid buying unnecessary things on the spur of the moment and choose only what we really need.
When I plan my day well, I am able to do much more than by acting spontaneously. How is it possible? The reason is that when I plan ahead, I define how much time I need to spend on a given activity or meeting. By sticking to the plan, I simply do what needs to be done!
9. Enjoy the moment
Mood swings occur throughout the day and it is perfectly normal, accept it. For this reason, sometimes I say to myself, “enjoy it all.”
I try to (I’m still learning):
- Enjoy my day no matter what happens at work, whether I can change things or not, whether I am hungry and start to whine (a breastfeeding mother gets hungry really quickly!)
- Accept things which I don’t usually like … they’re also part of my life.
Thanks to this, the day can become more pleasant, less emotional, and self-esteem increases. Why? Because I feel safe when I’m happy.
And did you know that we perceive life the way we think about it ?
10. Get a good night’s sleep – improve the quality of your sleep
I wrote about this subject many times on my blog (for example HERE).
Treat sleep as the most important part of your day – it’s an investment in your health. A good night’s sleep will give you more energy, more ideas, more smile and more strength to act during the day.
11. Stay offline from time to time
It is a wonderful change of pace after the whole week, e.g. on Sunday. Focus on your own issues, on regeneration or rest. Going back to work on Monday will be more fun and your attitude will be much better. ?
Think carefully about your whole week, what good things happened to you and what the coming week has in store for you.
12. Cut yourself off from all the unnecessary online information
See how it affects you. Every day we are bombarded with hundreds or thousands of messages – choose them wisely. Minimize. Only focus on those you really need.
13. Leave a nice surprise to someone you care about ?
A note, a sticker on their laptop or the mirror, maybe a box of home-made cookies, a nice text. Surprise your loved ones.
Make other people happy – it will make you happy, too.
14. Walk barefoot at least 30 minutes a day
Our feet are covered with receptors. Walking barefoot is a natural foot massage, it has a positive effect on the work of our internal organs. In addition, it allows you to relax the whole body and can help to toughen you up: running barefoot on wet grass, why not? Feel the contact with nature, release your emotions. Walking barefoot on a variety of surfaces is also recommended for children who should do it as often as possible.
15. Learn to let go
If you often get into arguments or have trouble holding your temper, think about letting go sometimes for the sake of your own health. If things are trivial, they’re not worth fighting for. It’s a waste of life.
Instead of getting into an argument, just let go and walk away. If old memories come back, don’t dwell on them.