Glutathione is an organic chemical compound that is present in every organism alive. For us, it is important that glutathione is a basic antioxidant produced in our organism.
Today I would like to share some information about this amazing substance.
Dr. Gustavo Bounous, who was focused on glutathione research, found out that mice fed on glutathione were stronger while fighting bacteria, cancers and they possessed better immunity to viruses than mice fed on traditional food.
ANTIOXIDATION – glutathione is a basic antioxidant produced in our organism. It strengthens the cells, protects them from being destroyed by free radicals. This is because of glutathione that the cells are immune to oxidative stress.
IMMUNOLOGY – glutathione boosts the immune system, it is its supplement.
DETOXICATION – glutathione eliminates toxins by biding them and excreting them with urine. It is essential for removing heavy metals, pesticides, products form vehicle exhaust or other known carcinogens.
- optimizes the immune system
- helps fighting pathogens
- is a basic antioxidant
- helps fighting cancer
- slows down ageing of cells
Glutathione is basically a very simple molecule that is naturally and constantly produced by the organism. It is built from amino acids residues of glutamic acid, cysteine and glycine. Unfortunately, poor diet, toxins, synthetic medicines, stress, injuries and infections cause depletion of glutathione.
Dr. Mark Hyman presents results of his research on chronically ill patients (over a period of 10 years); deficiency of glutathione has been recognized in almost all cases. The research embraced people with chronic fatigue syndrome, heart diseases, cancers, chronic infections, autoimmune diseases, diabetes, autism, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, arthritis, asthma, kidney and liver diseases etc.
According to Dr. Hyman the ability to produce and maintain a high level of glutathione is the key to prevent diseases and maintain optimal health as well as efficiency. It has been proven by approx. 70,000 tests.
Below there are 8 tips to keep an appropriate glutathione level (according to Dr Hayman):
- Eat foods rich in sulphur. It can be found in garlic, onion, cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, watercress etc.)
- Try bioactive whey proteins. They are the source of cysteine and amino acids e.g. Immunocal.
The protein in whey MUST be bioactive and uncontaminated (“contamination” refers to the breakdown of the protein structure). Choose the one which is not pasteurized and processed, the one which do not contain pesticides, hormones or antibiotics. - Physical activity increases the level of glutathione, helping in this way to boost our immune system. It improves detoxication of the body and increases anti oxidative protection. Exercise at least 30 minutes 4 times a week (intensive aerobic exercises such as walking, jogging, swimming or strength training 3 times a week – it’ll also be effective.
- ake Alpha Lipoic Acid, it improves glutathione status.
- Remember to include folic acid in your diet as well as vitamins B6 and B12 – they are essential components in production process of glutathione.
- Selenium. This is a crucial mineral as it helps with body recycling and boosting the level of glutathione.
- Antioxidants (vitamins C and E among others) assist glutathione recycling.
- Silymarin. It has been used in treating liver disorders for a long time and also helps to increase the level of glutathione.
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