Is Men’s Diet Just Meat?

I get a lot of messages from you in which you wonder how to motivate your partners to take care of themselves. I’ve also heard from men who asked for a program tailored to their needs. That’s why I decided to introduce a new variant of a diet with increased caloric content in the SuperMenu offer. It takes into account the needs of men, but also of all the people who exercise intensively. And let me assure you, the male diet option is not only about chicken and rice

After all the feedback I’ve got from you, I can see that you associate the diet of men primarily with large portions and lots of meat for building mass. However, it is completely different, and their dietary goals have changed over the last few years. It is no longer just about weight reduction or building muscle tissue, but weight maintenance, healthy weight gain and also health improvement. Unfortunately, bad eating habits can have serious consequences, lead to a negative impact on testosterone levels, as well as the occurrence of depressive episodes, a topic that definitely hasn’t gotten enough attention. My observations show that an equally common mistake among men is the excessive use of large amounts of white sugar, saturated fat and salt. The latter is often hidden even in meat products or ketchup. This results in a number of diseases, including excess weight, obesity, diabetes and problems with the circulatory system. Men more and more often decide to look for support from a dietitian who helps them implement good habits. These men are often athletes who do intense workouts and need advice on how to achieve even better results.


Not all at one go

I am glad that more and more men notice a positive difference by including some rules of a plant-based or Mediterranean diet in their nutritional plans. These changes, however, occur more slowly than in the case of women, because men tend to be more resistant to introducing new eating habits, and pay less attention to their keeping them. It often happens that men with ingrained bad habits decide to eliminate all of them at once. They want to implement a lot of changes at a fast pace, which often leads to failure and a decrease in motivation. I always say that we should introduce habits gradually so that they stay with us longer. For example, why not start by adding white sugar to your coffee, and cutting out fried foods next week. It’s also a great idea to look for healthy replacements for your favorite snacks. That is why both men and women should introduce changes, including nutritional ones, gradually – in small steps, using solutions available on the market, such as my SuperMenu box diet. 


Super Active (not only) for men

In SuperMenu we have long been planning to introduce a type of diet dedicated to men and all people who train intensively. The Super Active option is high in protein, rich in whole grain cereal products, it contains lots of vegetables, fruit, high-quality meat and fish, and healthy fats. It consists of 6 meals – 5 wholesome dishes and a protein shake, which is a source of amino acids which support the building of muscle tissue. The diet is rich in easily digestible proteins (beef, pork, poultry, fish, eggs) which are a substrate for building muscle tissue, fats (olive oil, nuts, almonds, oils, butter) and carbohydrates (rice, groats, pasta, whole grain bread, dried fruit) being the main source of energy.

You will find more information about Super Active and other available diet types HERE

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