Morello & cherry cocktail
Market stalls are bursting with red, yellow, and green! I love July! Let’s make use of its goodies, especially seasonal fruits – never again will they have as much flavor and be of such high nutritional value!
Today I suggest a morello and cherry cocktail.
Cherry fruits contain sugars (up to 15%), pectin (11%), inositol, organic acids (mainly citric and malic), tannins, anthocyanosides, carotene, vitamins (C, B, PP), and folic acid. There’s also a lot of copper in cherries (11.7 mg/kg), as well as potassium, iron, and magnesium.
We eat cherries raw, dried, or in a preserved form. We use them to make a wide variety of delicacies and potations, including jams, compotes, kissels, syrups, extracts, liqueurs, cherry brandy, wine, and soft drinks. Its leaves are used when marinating and pickling cucumbers and other vegetables.
Cherries are recommended to individuals with anemia, in febrile states, and as a laxative. The pulp and juice have an antiseptic effect. Moreover, they are a good expectorant for somebody who suffers from inflammation of the respiratory tract. They promote lowering both cholesterol and sugar, bind heavy metals and remove them from the body, and they offer protection against free radicals. The compounds contained in cherries may neutralize the side effects of inflammation of joints and muscles. Furthermore, cherries contain melatonin, which easily penetrates the blood-brain barrier and not only has a soothing effect on the neurons of the brain, but also calms the entire nervous system. Thus they can help relieve anxiety, insomnia, and headaches. I would recommend cherries to athletes as a great ingredient for recovery drinks.
The nutritional value of cherries (100g):
- calories – 47
- carbohydrates – 10.9 g
- protein – 0,9 g
- fats – 0.4 g
- fiber – 3 g.
The glycemic index – 22.
I strongly recommend morellos to all active ones out there. 100 g of morellos contain as much as 270 mg of potassium – a mineral that removes the salt excess from the body and is VERY IMPORTANT when it comes to the proper functioning of the heart. It is also a valuable component of cells and body fluids that regulate heart rate and blood pressure. Morellos contain B-group vitamins, including B5 which aids the body in the fight against arthritis, while its vitamins A and C as well as fruit acids improve the appearance of the skin. The fruit’s bioflavonoid content is responsible for protection against free radicals, and a large amount of iodine aids the function of the thyroid gland.
The nutritional value of morellos (100g):
- calories – 61
- carbohydrates – 14.6 g
- protein – 1 g
- fats – 0.3 g
- fiber – 1.3 g.
The glycemic index – 22.
Because of the acid content it’s better not to eat cherries or morellos on an empty stomach. People with intestinal condition should be cautious and are advised to eat the fruit when it’s slightly parboiled.
All right, it’s cocktail time!
I blended all the ingredients together with ice.
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