MAGNESIUM – an essential nutrient for those physically active!

Magnesium is a vital mineral to many biochemic processes taking place in our organisms. But we tend to forget about it, we don’t provide our organisms with the right amount of it.

Magnesium affects transformation of proteins and activates about 300 enzymes. It also stabilizes cell membrane permeability, thus regulating potassium concentration in our cells and providing sodium and calcium from accumulating.

Why is it so important for people physically active and athletes?

Half of the magnesium is stored in the soft tissue, mostly in our muscles. The delivery of energy to the muscles depends on this mineral. It also takes part in both synthesis and decomposition of high-energy compounds. Moreover, it supports muscle function as it regulates muscle cramps and eliminates the painful cramps. It also affects muscle growth. Magnesium minimizes the risk of injuries and boosts stamina.

Fibre improves magnesium absorption while fats inhibit this process. It should be taken after the training (not before), no matter when you train, because too much magnesium may result in low muscle tone and may cause sleepiness.

Taking intensity of the training into consideration – one should take 100-200 mg of magnesium after training.

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