Walt Disney said ”If you can dream it, you can do it”
Are you wondering, why in the middle of the road you give up and you are unable to fulfill your dreams? How much effort you put into making your dreams become a reality? If you have a desire to change your life and improve its quality, what may stand in your way to make you and your family feel happy ?
Remember it depends on you How you live Your Life.
If there is something that you want to change about your life just do it!
First of all, believe in your strength and the ability to control your life! These are not just empty words, repeated in hundreds of facebook pages.
In fact, everyone needs something different!
Internal motivation is your greatest strength and the greatest weapon to fight the difficulties which you might encounter on the way to reach your goal. Visualize your ambitions and dreams, think positively and create your life the way you want to be. Remember that the route to the destination is always a long and winding, and only you can overcome these obstacles. Every day we encounter difficulties and we meet people who not only themselves not believe that we will succeed, but they also want us to lose our motivation. Criticism and negative comments are made by those who are afraid to judge themselves …
These are the moments when we have to bite the bullet and continue to fight for our dreams. If you are able to overcome this, you’ll be even stronger, and your determination will be even greater. When you will reach the target and you will remember all those comments and opinions beside satisfaction you feel gratitude for the constant reminder of why you are fighting and how much it is worth.
In the moments of weakness keep in mind Albert Camus quote : “Real generosity towards the future lies in giving all to the present.”
Here we go!
Do not lose faith in your dreams just because others dont have courage and determination to fulfill their own.
Greetings to all the Critics!
With concern for the welfare of Dreamers, I wish you more confidence and less time on turning someone’s water off 🙂
photo. Marta Wojtal
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