"Healthy lifestyle Plan"

Some important tips for people who want to lose a few pounds in a healthy way;)


  1. If you are happy/satisfied with your body and fully accept it, it means that you’re attractive/appealing
  2. The most important is health! Eat healthy, some diets often cause yo-yo effect and sometimes they act destructively on our body.
  3. Healthy diet + training is essential. This will help you achieve your goals.
  4. Do not count calories, the most important are the proportions of protein / carbs / fat! Eat the proper food from a trusted sources
  5. Do count pounds you lose only the centimeters!
  6. Exercise and eat properly to burn fat
  7. Exercise at gym and fitness – this will help you become stronger and leaner.
  8. Implementation of 100% nutritional plan and training is a proof of true willpower.
  9. Believe in yourself and change your life for a healthier and better. You can do it!

These are rules that you also need to remember!


    1. Morning (fasting ) before breakfast drink a glass of boiled hot water. You can add a little bit of lemon. This water stimulates our liver, as well as eliminate toxins from the body
    2. Breakfasts should be varied and always warm. Serve soup, rye or spelled (preferably ) bread or whole grains bread- with a good digestive process, otherwise it can cause bloating. Toast , jams – homemade! Eggs in any form, scrambled eggs made on ghee butter, bacon and eggs hard or soft-boiled, etc. , a slice of tomato and radish in the season, chives, salad vegetable soup, mulled meats and pates (it matters what the origin – no preservatives , read information on packaging.) Let us not drink any beverage for breakfast. Drinks like boiled water, natural coffee or tea drink after you wake up. Do not eat raw fruits , juices, fruit yogurt , salads, avoid milk and cheeses in excess – they operate cooling on our bodies
    3. Dinners. It’s best to not combine proteins with carbohydrates such as fish and meat with noodles, potatoes, cold drinks and sour salads (pickled cucumbers)
    4. Suppers. Avoid fruits, salads, dishes with acidic products , yoghurt with fruit and sweets. It’s best to eat vegetable salads, meats warm, fish paste, eggs, sandwich with meat and onion and pepper, all warm meats, fish, boiled or baked vegetables, etc. In the evening, before bedtime avoid cold drinks!
    5. Do not eat fatty foods and acidic at the same time – the excess of acid closes the gallbladder, and fats are digested by the bile – it acts negative – undigested fat is a burden on the liver!!!
    6. Do not eat desserts and fruits at night! Fruits cause fermentation, lack of absorption, impaired digestion. Eat fruits preferably before dinner
    7. Limit dairy products to a minimum, everything but eggs and milk straight from the cow
    8. Do not connect the protein (like meat) and carbohydrates (potatoes, pasta, buckwheat, rice). In one meal, you may eat meat after carbohydrate ( preferably a few minutes after carbohydrate ), if you hav

e a meal, where you can’t choose – such as dumplings with meat – then it should be chewed long

  1. Don’t drink during the meal! 30 minutes before and 30 minutes after
  2. After a warm meal never drink cold drinks. Wait for 30 minutes
  3. Don’t eat too much, eat slowly
  4. Try to eat cooked or blanched vegetables. Raw should be a maximum of ¼ of vegetables consumed thru the day; chew them slowly and always eat raw vegetables with oil. If you experience bloating after raw vegetables-limit to a minimum
  5. No snacking between meals
  6. Do not mix fruits with milk, yogurts with fruits, etc.
  7. Refuse food that does not serve you
  8. Do not eat junk food!
  9. Use spices, choosing them according to the needs and the type of meal
  10. Do not be afraid of fat – if you have no medical recommendations to reduce fat intake. Fat is necessary to provide the proper amount of energy to your body and reconstruction of certain tissues
  11. You cannot fix diet permanently, no diet is without faults! Follow the body’s response to the eaten food 2-3 hours after a meal, to determine the optimal diet for yourself during following period.