Bandages for cellulite
Cellulite is „only” an aesthetic problem. But you will admit, it’s really annoying.
It touches on people with different types of figures, also those who are slim. I wrote about it here.
Today I recommend fighting with cellulite by means of algae (sea and brown). Algae are perfect, natural and actually complete cosmetic plants. They contain a lot of vitamins, minerals and substances such as aosaine protein (delaying skin ageing), which are important for health and skin firmness.
In order for algae to work really effectively I soaked bandages in them. You may use other components in the same way. The ones that will do are: xanthine, mint, cinnamon, paprika, ginseng, ivy, algae, horsetail, green tea, black lilac, ginger. I wrote about them here.
What do you need?
- ½ teaspoon sea algae
- ½ teaspoon brown algae
- ½ cup coffee (with coffee grounds)
- ½ cup green tea (aloe water or plain water will also do)
- 2 bandages
(The ingredients given above will be enough to soak 2 bandages, which will allow you to wrap your thighs and buttocks)
How to use it?
- Put the ingredients in a bowl and mix them all thoroughly.
- Place the bandages in the bowl and leave them for a few minutes to soak well.
- Wrap the bandages around those parts of your body that need firming (buttocks, thighs or belly).
- You may wrap food wrap around yourself optionally – ingredients will be absorbed better in higher temperature and you will avoid your clothes getting dirty.
- Leave the bandages to dry. In case of the food wrap leave it for 30 minutes.
It’s important to do it gently – the bandages should stick to the skin but not constrict it (one of the causes of cellulite may be obstructed lymph flow, that’s why remember to avoid tight clothes as far as possible, e.g. after getting back home from work, change your clothes for baggy ones.
Of course we eat healthy food and exercise! 🙂
photo by Adam Mruk.
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