New Year’s planning!
To plan and motivate … how easy it is to say! 😉
Last days of the old year, you are buying a new calendar (I know even one available on the market;) and you are writing a New Year’s resolutions. The list may resemble the one from the previous year and even from earlier years but …
This time you will make it!
Of course you will and now i will tell you why!
In today’s post I want to discuss important planning elements that will greatly simplify achieving goals:
- How to plan effectively?
- How to motivate well?
- How to build good habits?
- How to eliminate blockages?
Now sit comfortably , take a pen and a motivational calendar for 2018 and write down some questions that I am going to ask you:
- Are you ready for new challenges?
- Are you an inspiration for others?
- Are you always motivated?
- Do you never lose time for example on social networks?
- Do you never postpone your duties for later?
- Do you earn as much as you want?
Of course, you will not answer “YES” for all the questionsl, and this is a very good sign that you are AMBITIOUS and you like to raise the bar! Now feel the motivation and be ready for new activities. Do you already have a vision of what you want to achieve in the future? You have a mission to do it. It defines “what” and “why” you do to achieve the goal
- Spisz swoje marzenia / cele
- Podziel na konkretne etapy / przełomowe momenty / kamienie milowe
- OkreÅ›l czas, w którym chcesz cele zrealizować – na krótko i dÅ‚ugoterminowe
- Zastanów się czego będziesz potrzebować i z czyjej pomocy możesz skorzystać
- Gdzie będziesz szukał motywacji czy wsparcia?
- Write down your dreams / goals
- Divide into specific stages / milestones
- Specify the time in which you want to accomplish the goals – for a short and long-term
- Think about what you will need and whose help you can use
- Where will you look for motivation or support?
List the main areas you want to work on:
- Health – I will eat healthier
- Partner relationship – I will take care of contacts with my wife / husband
- Career – I will try to be promoted to a higher position
- Appearance – I will take care of my body / hair, lose weight / gain weight
- Habits – ex I will take care of a better quality of sleep, I will only have healthy snacks in my purse
- Restrictions – I will get rid of bad habits
- Personal development – I will sign up for additional training
Start by defining your priorities and set the value hierarchy. Let these principles guide you in planning your goals. For example, if your priority is professional promotion, plan the necessary training. If you want to be healthy, plan to eliminate harmful products from the diet and reduce your weight. You dream about the correct relationship with your friends, then plan more time together! Program yourself for change and think that each morning you will wake up with an attitude towards action and consistently face new challenges. Each next step brings you closer to the goal. It will give you the power to live and to act!
 Let’s start! You will need some tools:
Determination – in times of weakness ask yourself, “why are you doing this?”, “What do you want to achieve?”, “What will you gain if you reach your destination?”, “What will you lose if you give up?”
Disciplines – remember that everyone has worse moments. If you get stumbled, get up, stand up and continue fighting
Regularity – you make choices every day and soon they become your habit. Think before you “let go” of training, an English lesson, etc.
Willingness of progress / development – raise the bar higher and higher
Consequences – stick to your goals and check every month whether you have achieved the next steps on the way to achieve them
Concentration – the time you spent on training or learning English use it fully for these activities
Openness to change
Become a manager of your life from the beginning to the end …! 🙂
Life is beautiful and fascinating, but it passes quickly. Do not waste time, treat your life and treat yourself and your health with the respect you deserve. Design this year according to your dreams and have a breakthrough 🙂
photo. Marta Wojtal
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