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My recipes and culinary inspirations
Agar-agar is a gelling agent extracted from algae. In food industry agar is used as a thickener, a stabiliser and...
It’s time for a recipe for nutritious poultry escalopes with vegetables. Nowadays poultry is one of the most frequently chosen...
Did you know that thermal treatment can significantly influence calorific value of a dish? And I don’t mean only the...
Today I would like to suggest a recipe for delicious pancakes with a banana and an avocado. The pancakes are...
It’s getting warmer and warmer, spring has arrived fast and in no time we’ll be trying on summer clothes and...
How about a tart today? Let it be gluten-free and no eggs, with sour fruit and sweet crust. Here we...
A perfect meal for your lunchbox! Great as elevenses between classes, for a short break at work and while travelling....
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