Let’s start baking 🙂
Giving gingerbread along with Christmas wishes to my friends is a little tradition of mine. I modify the recipe each year, but I always make sure that they are gluten free.
This year I’ll make sweet potato gingerbread. It’s a two for one – they’re both sweet and healthy.
They’re also perfect for people suffering from food allergies as they’re gluten free and made without eggs.
When they come out of the oven they’re still a little soft – yummy!
Boil the potatoes and strain the water. Put them along with the flour, salt, spices, cocoa, soda, baking powder, honey and sugar (make sure it’s neither white nor brown sugar) into a food processor.
Knead the dough by hand, form a ball, cover it with parchment paper and put into the fridge for an hour.
Roll it out on a breadbord floured with buckwheat flour. Then cut out shapes with cookie cutters and bake for about 20 minutes in 160°C.
Melt all the ingredients in a saucepan, then cover the gingerbread and decorate them.
Bake and share! 🙂
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