So, autumn has already started and the radiators are on. Let’s also help our organisms adjust to the cold. Raw vegetables and fruit should be replaced with baked veggies for example. Remember that root vegetables are excellent for warming up!
I cut the vegetables, sprinkled them with a dash of cinnamon, curcuma, chilli and olive oil. I baked them for about 30-40 minutes in 170 °C.
What is this scorzonera hispanica actually?
It’ also called black salsify, viper’s herb or a asparagus for the poor. It’s a bit forgotten and underestimated while the root is really rich in minerals: iron, potassium, magnesium, sodium, calcium, carotene and vitamins E, B1, B2 and C. It is also a source of fructose so it’s perfect for people suffering from diabetes. What is more scorzonera also improves brain function and boosts your immune system.
Don’t be fooled by the looks of it. A real treat is hidden under the skin. Especially for those, who like me, love asparagus.
What do I serve with the vegetables?
I made a super quick parsley pesto.
- 1 big bunch of parsley
- cold pressed rapeseed oil
- garlic
- apple vinegar
- a grain of sea salt
Mix it all and it’s ready!
Let the cheering on begin! 🙂
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