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It would be hard to overestimate the role of beverages when it’s scorching hot outside. Luckily, the human body has its own thermoregulatory mechanism.
You need to start the day with a lot of energy? Not a problem – just fill yourself with energy through a proper breakfast fueled by carbohydrates and clarified butter (ghee).
Why do I love :) and recommend cocktails so much? Well, start reading, and trust me, you’ll give in to the temptation :).
I have written about the properties of potatoes quite recently – HERE . But it is worth reminding ourselves of their qualities, because they still are largely underappreciated.
I have already mentioned many times that MAGNESIUM is essential for the most important processes in the human body to occur.
It's the peak season for rhubarb :) . It would be a shame not to make use of the qualities of this vegetable. Rhubarb has a slightly tart taste, because it contains both citric and malic acids.
Eating a lot of carbs? Meals rich in protein and fat? The 'healthy' protein and fats?
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