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Winter is coming … And there is no hope! We are facing a few months of cold and freezing weather,...
brrrrrrrr… cold! When winter is coming, each of us would most likely love to grab a warm blanket and...
Autumn often is associated with tissues in each pocket. Viruses circulate around us, and coughing and sniffing are the most...
As every year before Christmas I start to miss the snow crunching under my foot and the search for shelter from absolute cold while im wrapped in a scarf, hat and thick mittens.
And here's a video from the Winter Camp.
I prepare myself for each and every camp like it was the first one. The same amount of stress and concern. And I get rewarded - every other camp is different and suprising.
We're currently in Dojo Stara Wies - we're all healthy and determined!
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