A plate full of vegetables

I found this recipe deeply hidden in my archives :). I’m glad to have found it and I’ll willingly make use of it tomorrow, because such a vegetable plate means a colourful yummy meal!

Only vegetables and each of them prepared in a different way (without problems and quickly). A mixture of tastes and consistencies. And a great portion of vitamins and minerals.

Prepare such a lunch set for yourselves and your loved ones. You can pack the set into a container and take it to school/work. Try to experiment with herbs, spices, colours – the end of summer is a great time for experiments :).
Such a meal has a cleansing effect.

On my plate:

  • roasted potatoes with pepper, chilli and salt (180 °C, 30 min)
  • Kale crisps
  • Yellow lentils, cooked with water in a 1:2 proportion, at the end of cooking I added salt, pepper and turmeric. I melted a tablespoon of ghee butter in a frying pan, added a mixture of masala spices, and I poured it over the lentils
  • grated carrot with lemon juice
  • shredded red cabbage with lemon juice
  • cut avocado in pieces
  • a few drops of linseed oil

Yum! And so few calories! 🙂

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