
It’s time to start talking about this difficult issue. The world we live in is for many the world of living in a hurry, competition and multitasking.

The environment provides hundreds of stimuli everyday – the Internet even thousands. People are confused. Some of them live in a constant stress. Some others in a deep frustration. Electronic gadgets make normal contacts difficult, a lot of people lose themselves in virtual reality that replace their real life. More and more people are lonely in the crowd or family.

People can’t cope with that. They are looking for something that brings relief even for a while. Some people rush to the fridge, others reach for a cigarette every half an hour. Some swallow dozens of tablets every day. There are young people addicted to gaming, and those who can’t live without pornography. Even among business elites there are drug addicts. Very many people drink alcohol on a regular basis. Unfortunately, more and more people subordinate their lives to striving for a perfect figure.

I’m not a psychologist. However, the main aim of this blog is health. Addiction ruins health. Not only addicts’ health is affected but also health of their families. You can’t pretend that there’s no issue. That’s why I’m going to write about addictions on my blog. I will write on this what I know about their influence on the body as well as this what I will learn from experts.
I will also try to invite some of them to cooperate.
Today a short animation only, maybe you saw it because the animation was shared in social media. It shows the mechanism of becoming addicted. It’s really impressive.

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