Workout with a Pram? It’s possible!
New moms can find training quite challenging. However, thanks to good time management you can actually kill two birds with one stone: take your baby for a walk and do your workout in the meantime. How is this possible? Let me explain. 🙂 Motherhood forces women to introduce many changes in their daily lives and puts to the test their time management skills. At first, physical activity drops to the lowest level on the list of priorities. It is natural that you can’t start training immediately after giving birth. You should take care of your body and give it enough time to recover. However, when you get the go-ahead from your doctor, it’s worth trying to take the first steps. Why? Lack of exercise may adversely affect both the mental and physical condition of new mothers. Therefore, training with a stroller is gaining more and more popularity. This is a very good solution for women who like physical activity but do not have an understanding and helpful person who could take care of their baby during workouts. Not all of us are lucky enough to have a grandma, a friend, an aunt or someone else to look after the baby. And the question is: have you tried running with a stroller?
The advantages of a stroller workout
- a quick return to pre-pregnancy shape
- spending time outdoors with your baby
- production of endorphins
- showing your child the benefits of physical activity
- teaching your child to enjoy sport from an early age
The beginning
Before you start planning your training, think about the condition of your body. First of all, the type of delivery (caesarean section or natural delivery) should be taken into account. Your body must properly recover. Therefore, if you want to exercise, consult your doctor. Remember that vigorous physical activity is not recommended in the first few weeks after giving birth as it can make it harder for wounds to heal and cause bleeding. Take your time and be careful when introducing exercises, even after your doctor’s approval. Listen to your body as it will show you when it is not ready to increase training intensity. Remember that everyone is different and the subject of post-partum exercises should be approached very individually. As a result, the exercises will bring you only benefits. Before you start training, it is also worth remembering about the minimum amount of ordinary everyday activity like keeping upright position, doing first exercises for the uterine floor muscles or relaxing the spine. Gradually, you can diversify your postpartum activity and introduce outdoor walking which will additionally oxygenate you and your children. Use it as a warm-up for regular training. And as we know, a good warm-up is essential 🙂
Running is the easiest form of training with lots of fans. What’s more, you can do it with a stroller. However, the basic condition that you must take into account before starting this type of activity is your child’s stability and preparedness. In order to relieve their spine and not expose it to shocks, the children should be able to sit in a stable position on their own. This usually happens around the eighth month, but remember that each baby develops differently and at its own pace.
When should we run?
If all the above-mentioned conditions are met, another question arises. When is it time to work out? Personally, I used to choose the time before or during the nap as my daughter sleeps best and longest in the stroller. However, if I see that she is bored with my jogging or with sitting in a stroller, I take her out and do a few different exercises. Everything I do in this respect depends on my daughter and her comfort 🙂
Where to go running?
I usually choose pathways in a park. The surface must be smooth and the ground must be level. When the little one falls asleep, I don’t want to wake her up with shocks. If, on the other hand, she is awake, she can relax with nature and singing birds all around her. Running paths are best for jogging with a stroller as you don’t have to worry about rushing cyclists, skaters and barking dogs. I strongly advise against running on sidewalks along the streets. Noise, exhaust fumes and cars are a threat to our safety. Besides, the comfort of running in such conditions is negligible.
The rules for training with a stroller:
- Control the pace and the distance. Running with a stroller is more intense and tiring so be careful not to overtrain.
- Don’t expect too much of yourself. Gradually get your body used to the effort. It is recommended to start with a 5-minute jog, alternating with 3 minutes of walking.
- Good equipment is essential! Footwear should be properly chosen for the comfort and safety of the mother and the child. Good shoes eliminate the possibility of falling and also take care of your joints.
My criteria for choosing a stroller:
- Wheels – they should be large, especially the back ones (minimum 16 inches). Swivel wheels are easier to maneuver but can be dangerous. Check the brakes, if the one in the front wheel is faulty, it could lead to an accident (e.g. they may get stuck). IMPORTANT! The swivel front wheel should be locked while running.
- Shock absorbers – to ensure the child’s comfort and reduce shocks, choose a stroller with shock absorbers.
- Seat belts – the best belts are the ones you can fasten around the waist, between the legs and at the shoulders.
- Handle – it should be far enough to avoid kicking the stroller while jogging. It’s good if its height is adjustable so that both mom and dad can run with the stroller despite their different height and length of the arms in an upright position. The handle should be equipped with a wrist strap for additional safety.
- Brakes – it is important to have easy access to them. Depending on your preferences, you can choose between hand and foot ones. The most important thing is that they are fast and reliable.
- Certificates – choose a stroller that has been approved and tested for safety.
- Backrest – it’s good if you can adjust it. Sometimes the baby may feel like taking a nap, and sometimes they prefer to see the world and we should make it possible for them to do so.
- Folding – some models can be folded with one hand! I recommend this solution 🙂
- Canopy – choose a stroller with an adjustable canopy and a small window so that you can see the child. The canopy should be large enough to protect the child from rain and sunshine.
- Bag area – each stroller should have a place for a bag where you can keep water, toys and all the necessary things.
Remember that choosing a pram is very important. The look shouldn’t be the priority as some of them only may seem to be suitable for running but in fact don’t meet the basic safety requirements. Choose a stroller with few parts in the frame. Too many parts may adversely affect its stability. I recommend long strollers because they improve the comfort of training.
Are you still interested in training with a stroller? If so, I am very happy about it. It has been a great solution for me 🙂 Don’t forget that physical activity is important not only for you, but also for your children. If your baby doesn’t like this activity from the very first moment, don’t try to force them, but also try not to give up right away and get them used to it gradually. The small steps method usually works! Also, keep in mind that you may plan your training and your children will not want to run and exercise with a stroller. Then what? Smile and come home! Don’t try to force anything 🙂 Don’t be upset and don’t get discouraged. You may try again in a while. Mother’s life is a path of many compromises, but it also means awakening creativity, also in terms of sport. Have you tried this type of exercise yet? How are you doing with workouts? Let me know – it’s worth sharing and making use of the experiences of other parents to learn and find inspiration for your own solutions 🙂
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