Winter “must have”
I have some suggestions for you on how to prepare for winter and deal with the freezing temperature. Of course, I suggest you start in the kitchen.
You can add several spices to your favorite dishes which warm you up!
First of all, I would recommend cinnamon, which fits perfectly with the sweet and savory dishes. In addition to its antibacterial and antifungal properties, it lowers blood sugar levels, reduce the absorption of carbohydrates in the small intestine, slows the aging process, improves blood circulation and warms well. For breakfast I recommend winter porridge with cinnamon, cranberries or goji berries and cardamom.
When its white outside the window do not forget about the ginger. Not only its a source of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium, its also antipyretic and anti-inflammatory, accelerates metabolism and lowers cholesterol. During winter we use ginger primarily because of the warming effect also on the genitals. It is a valued aphrodisiac, and yet the most pleasant winter evenings are the one spent under the blanket with your loved one and a cup of spicy tea. All you need is a glass of boiling water, add fresh ginger, cook about 20 minutes. Best to drink warm. You can also add ginger to other teas.
Another spice on our winter must-have list is turmeric, which has the anti-inflammatory effect, it relieves pain in the joints, depression, and is an excellent antioxidant. I would recommend to start the day with a healthy mix that is sure to add energy for the cold day. Boil a glass of water, add a little grated l ginger, a pinch of cayenne pepper and half a teaspoon of turmeric. Let it set under cover to cool down a little and add a teaspoon of honey.
During winter im using more often i use cloves, which have anesthetic and refreshing properties. Eugenol content decreases the activity of enzymes that cause inflammation, a yeast infection, and inhibits the development of cancer. They can be added to tea. It fits perfectly well with honey and orange.
A good addition to meals and snacks is coconut oil. I recommend it not only because of the flavor, but above all for the beneficial properties for our body. Consuming it provides a lot of energy without raising blood insulin levels. Additionally, it is antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal. The list of advantages is infinitely long, as well as the possibility of using it in the kitchen.
The list of products that are sure to help us cope with the winter weather can not miss maca. Dried root of this plant is the source of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, iron, sulfur, zinc and vitamins B1, B2, C and E. It also contains 18 amino acids, so complement the diet of people not eating meat. Additionally, it lowers blood pressure and promotes cancer prevention. It is considered an aphrodisiac because it increases blood circulation in blood vessels and a very positive influence on the fertility of men and women. It helps to fight the winter blues, because it act as an anti-depressant. You can add powder to smoothies, salads and drinks. Avoid heating maca because it reduces its health promoting properties.
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