
THE ROAD TO HEALTH SERIES: 10 positive points

I do my best every day to be optimistic about life and always try to see the positive aspects of every situation. This helps me enjoy the little things, move forward and not worry about things that are beyond my control. I’ve prepared for you today a list of the most important points that I follow on a daily basis and which I would like to share with you. Have a go at following at least some of them and you’ll see that little changes can make your day! ?


1. Accept yourself

If there’s something you can’t change, like it and accept it! Obviously, if you can work on something and you have a real influence on it, act. However, don’t set your expectations too high and let go of the feeling of frustration when changes don’t come as fast as you thought they would. We all have our flaws and we see our drawbacks. It’s important to be aware of them but don’t let them be your only focus. At this point, life is much more fun ?


2. Love others

Learn to find positive qualities in other people, you can get used to it. Someone smiled at you? Do the same! It can really change your day for the better. Surround yourself with good energy and open to other people. It’s good to love people ?


3. Redefine your priorities in life

Think about what is really important to you. What is the meaning of your life? Family, love, home, independence, health? Only you know the correct answer. Focus your attention on this. It is worth paying attention to what is truly meaningful.


4. Set your goals

Create a vision of yourself that you can build upon. Work, act according to plan and you will surely see the results. Sometimes it will take a lot of effort, but the satisfaction will be just as great. Visualizing your goal can help and remind you of where you are going.


5. Plan

I keep repeating it over and over again that proper planning is the key to success. It may often be difficult but it brings you closer to achieving the goal. We can see individual steps that we need to take, decide on the strategy and measure our progress. This improves the whole process and helps you make the most of your valuable time.


6. Don’t forget about regeneration

Properly balanced meals as well as the right amount and quality of sleep pay off. When your body says stop, listen to it! Sometimes you have to slow down to be able to come back even stronger tomorrow! Allow yourself to rest and your body will thank your for it ?


7. Maintain healthy work-life balance

Find balance between work and home. Find time for yourself every day. Do you like reading, cooking, or maybe you’ve been thinking about catching up on film and music for a long time? Brighten your life with small pleasures. Leave your professional duties at work and devote your free time to things you enjoy doing.


8. Stay active

Physical activity is fun and relieves stress. Find the kind activity that is best for you, there are so many possibilities! Walking, exercising in the comfort of your own home, dancing, running, group activities, swimming. There’s something for everyone. It’s fun to get tired during a workout! You may want to try it with my app which is HERE.


9. Eat a healthy diet

A balanced diet tailored to your needs affects your well-being and efficiency during the day. Remember that healthy does not mean boring and time-consuming! On my blog (HERE) I try to show that sometimes it takes just a few minutes to create a nutritious and filling meal from simple ingredients. Experiment in the kitchen, find your favorite flavors, try different products and open yourself to new ones. Encourage your household members to eat healthy. Maybe you could cook something together? It is not only an investment in your health, but also a great way to spend quality time together.


10. Reduce your stress

Don’t get upset for no particular reason. Learn to control your breath and do breathing exercises. You can read about the importance of breathing HERE. I also wholeheartedly recommend the wonderfully relaxing BALANCE function in my Diet & Training by Ann app. The daily pace of life, numerous responsibilities, excess work, the current pandemic situation: all these factors negatively affect our mental health. It is a good idea to have tried and tested ways that allow you to have a break from the hustle of everyday life for a moment.


Take good care of yourselves and share the tips with your loved ones! Let’s share the good energy! ?

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