Today, I have a few words for you about electrolytes. Why electrolytes? Because during summer we lose more of them.
Photo: Marta Wojtal
Electrolytes are minerals which get dissolved in body fluids. Potassium, magnesium, sodium, calcium, because they are the ones mostly in question here, are lost by the body through sweating, among other processes, and thus also during physical exertion. Electrolytes are essential for the proper functioning of the whole body, but most importantly for the muscular and nervous systems, and their deficiency can cause a variety of symptoms ranging from a feeling of weakness, fainting, to dizziness.
When the level of these minerals decreases, the function of the system responsible for the body’s fluid balance is impaired and that leads to the appearance of such symptoms as: water retention, edema, swelling sensation, additional fatigue, hypothermia, muscle cramps, and increased heart rate. And these are just some examples of the disorders caused by electrolyte deficiency.
Photo: Iza Grzybowska
Therefore do remember to regularly replenish electrolytes! First of all, make sure you provide your body with the proper amount of fluids and follow a balanced diet which will bring minerals back to you – on training days in particular.
To maintain the proper level of fluids in the body throughout the day, drink large amounts of water as well as electrolyte drinks. Often, drinking water alone does not compensate for the loss of electrolytes as quickly as you would like it to, so you might want to give isotonic drinks a try, as they are much better at this. They can restore the balance almost right away.
I’d especially recommend coconut water to you. You can read more about it HERE
It is a drink obtained from palm fruits which are still green, and thus it is not diluted coconut milk. Why has it been gaining such popularity recently? Because it is rich in magnesium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, and vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and C). Not to mention that its level of electrolytes is the same as that in the human blood plasma. I can assure you with full conviction that it hydrates the body better than any other isotonic drink I’ve been using, and even some sources go as far as to claim that it is up to 10 times better than the most popular drink of this kind. That said, coconut water is a drink not only for athletes. It has antioxidant effect, helps regulate blood pressure, and quenches thirst in no time.
Furthermore, try to include many minerals in your meals, so that they can make up for the lost ones. In times of intense physical exertion, don’t forget to introduce additional supplementation.
Eat up to 30 minutes after a training session, and make sure your meal contains carbohydrates and proteins in a ratio of 80/20.
Lastly, remember not to stuff yourself before the training session. It’s best to have a meal 1.5 h beforehand. Otherwise, you might feel heavy or get a stitch while training.
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I’ve found this post very interesting and helpful. Thanks for sharing all this informations about electrolytes.