Stress and resistance! Get stronger!
I’ll start from the beginning…
Resistance is a very important part of our health and we should take care of it all year round. The best results will be achieved by using a balanced diet. It should be nutritious, rich in vitamins and minerals, but also it should have the right amount of calories.
The autumn-winter period is a time when we often have lower immunity and we are more susceptible to infection. Upper respiratory tract infections and “flu-like” infections are predominantly associated with viral infections. The consequence of such a disease is often the development of bacteria and bacterial infection. Although most of these infections have viral etiology, they are responsible for the intake of 3/4 of all antibiotics consumed. The widespread use of antibiotics is a major contributor to the emergence of antibiotic resistance, both locally and regionally.
What does it mean? When our body develop a severe bacterial infection, medications may not work. Recent studies have suggested that the proportion of patients with influenza-like illness receiving antibiotics is at least twice the number of actual infections. It is therefore time to “overload” the disease and thus help our body fight infection.
What to take care of?
By strengthening immunity, we must remember to have a balanced diet, rich in minerals and vitamins, so that all processes of our body can work optimally. Issues related to deficiencies can lead to metabolic dysfunction and as a consequence they can decrease our immunity. Remember, if your diet is not properly balanced or your body is starved, you will also weaken the processes involved in the production of white blood cells and the production of antibodies. They are responsible for the rapid and effective fight against infection. It should also be emphasized that the use of antibiotics may be associated with a variety of intestinal microbial disorders. By killing pathological bacteria, we also kill those that are necessary for our health and develop the process of chronic dysbiosis. The intestinal lymphatic system contains about 70% of the total body lymphocyte and forms a complex immune system called GALT (gut associated lymphoid tissue).
Resistance when it comes to STRESS
Unfortunately, long-term antibiotic therapy is not the only factor which is reducing our immunity. Today I would like to dedicate this post to our worst enemy – chronic stress. What stress is? The definition says that it is a process by which environmental factors endanger or counterbalance the body and by means of which the body responds to the threat. Small stress activates us to action, high stress is acting destructive. Stress can be considered both psychologically or biologically. Both physical and psychological stressors produce a biological stress effect, mediated by adrenaline and cortisol.
Stress improves the immune response, activating immune cells and antibodies, which prevents infections and promotes healing of wounds. In this case adrenaline helps the immune system to function, and on the other hand chronically activated adrenaline rush can be associated with exacerbation of inflammation. This is of great importance mainly in the context of autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis. Cortisol plays a major role in chronic stress. This hormone suppresses our immune system by reducing both our ability to fight pathogens and cancer cells. In this case, the number of lymphocytes decreases, the activity of the cells “Natural Killers” decreases, the proliferative response to the antigen is reduced, and phagocytosis occurs. Prolonged secretion of cortisol also causes changes in the digestive tract (decreased secretion of hydrochloric acid and digestive enzymes) and microbes of our intestines. This is associated with disorders of secretion of mucus, lack of intestinal barrier and abnormalities of absorption. In addition, the permeability of toxins and microorganisms increases, which may undesirably activate the immune system.
Let us also remember that stress factors do not have to be just psychological factors.
Stress is also associated with:
- mineral deficiencies,
- lack of sleep,
- over-training or too much training,
- lack of proper regeneration,
- dehydration,
- life in the rush,
- toxins in the diet,
- too much work
The condition of the immune system can be pre-evaluated on the basis of morphology. When the virus appears in our body, the test will show elevated levels of leukocyte, ready to fight the disease. But if we have a weakened immune system, then the white blood cells level will be lower
How to minimize the effects of stress?
Let’s remember the basics!
Too much sugar in the diet impairs the immune system. Consumption of already 100 grams of sugar inhibits the ability of white blood cells to absorb and destroy harmful microorganisms. We should not exceed the intake, and the maximum intake is 5-10% in the daily diet. Another enemy are trans fats that affect our immune system. Their intake should be as small as possible. Let’s buy only mechanically or cold pressed oils. Keep them in dark bottles, in cupboards and refrigerators. Let’s choose small bottles, because each contact with air can change the structure of fat. The exception is coconut oil. We should also be careful not to exceed the frying time, as the proteins treated will also have carcinogens (I will write about it). Be cautious over excessive consumption of vegetable oils, because they are rich in omega-6 acids, which increase the production of inflammatory cytokines (are proinflammatory). Remember about the low intake of omega 6 to omega 3 diets such as rape or flaxseed oil. Also avoid refined frying oils such as margarine. They can oxidize and become an enemy of our immune system as well as the blood.
How can we help our immune system?
It is important for the body to provide the proper nutrients, and if the proportion between ingredients is compromised, even with proper caloric requirements, certain processes (including weight loss) will not be performed properly. Frequent calorie counting (by incorrect macronutrient distribution) instead of fat reduction, will lead to malnutrition and loss of valuable muscle mass. In addition, insufficient amount of nutrients results in lower mood, energy loss, weakness, deterioration of skin and hair, hormonal disturbances (lack of menstruation), and lack of immunity.
How to start?
- Plan and prepare meals in advance.
- Remove unhealthy and processed products from the refrigerator.
- Do not be afraid of fats, enrich your diet.
- Give yourself time, step by step.
And now let’s go in more detail on this topic: - Eliminate poor quality food products
And now let’s go in more detail on this topic:
- Eliminate poor quality food products
- Sleep! During sleep, the immune system regenerates. We should sleep about 7-8 hours a day (I know, we know should, and often it is not possible, I can say something about it too :)), it should be an uninterrupted sleep. If we wake up alone, without an alarm clock or outside noise, it means we had enough sleep.
- Make sure you sleep well! Open the bedroom beforehand, use lavender essential oil, air humidifier, use fresh bedding! Cover all the LEDs lights in the bedroom, ex lights on the switches, remove the TV from the bedroom and … leave the phone in another room.
- Rest if you can! Remember that fatigue is actually a lack of regeneration, and it means less resistance to disease. Remember that no supplement will replace the relaxation 🙂 Rest if you feel tired, do not train then, try to relax! Although … it has been proven that the organism subjected to short, not intensive training feels much better, but train smart 🙂
- Enjoy your life! Laughter triggers endorphins
- Keeping relationships with others will help you stay healthy
- Let’s get tough! Shower ended with cold stream (about 30 seconds) will strengthen our immune system.
- Sauna is an excellent detox and also strengthens the immune system
Let’s start in the kitchen!
Introduce to the menu: egg yolks (containing lecithin and choline, iron), liver and offal from organic farming (including a set of minerals and vitamins necessary for proper functioning), take antioxidants and products rich in vitamin C (found in a bunch of parsley, red peppers, parsley is also a great source of chlorophyll and folate).
Remember about natural antibiotics and prebiotics: pickled garlic, cabbage, cucumbers, beetroot. Garlic and onion are natural antibiotics that help fight infections. In addition, they support blood circulation, heart function, strengthen arteries and bacterial flora, also contain antioxidants.
Let the following delicacies in the kitchen: dark forest fruits, blueberries, aronia. These products are rich in antioxidants and flavonoids. When making winter treats do not forget to add sugar 🙂 You can add honey to the jam just before eating if it is too acidic. Remember the beneficial effects of spices! Ginger, turmeric and cinnamon will warm up the body. Let’s make some infusions and tea. Let’s use cayenne pepper, chilli, paprika, curry – spices contain sharp antioxidants. If you are planning an exotic holiday and you don’t want to get upset stomach, then it is worth to take under the tongue a bit of Himalayan salt, or add it to a glass of water and drink before or after a meal.
Hydrate! Hydration plays a very important role in strengthening the immune system. Drink broth chicken or bones , which warms up and improves collagen metabolism. Let’s drink herbal tea, white tea and green tea – it works against cancer. Coffee also contains antioxidants, but avoid drinking more than 2 cups a day.
Never forget about vegetables and fruits. Avoid these veggies from the can or in vinegar. Wash them thoroughly to get rid of pesticides that impair the functions of the immune system. Exclude or restrict corn, as it is a highly processed and genetically modified product and a lot of harmful ingredients are used to produce it. The corn is cross-linked with gluten, so it should not be eaten by people with intestinal diseases. Eat asparagus, avocado, broccoli, chives, cabbage, cauliflower, green beans, peas, radish, rhubarb, celery, cucumbers, onion parsley and spinach. Fresh herbs contain essential oils and antioxidants, they can be frozen and consumed in the off season, such a solution is much better than buying dried products. Eat seasonal fruits – avoid candied and dried with sulfur. You can use frozen food in the winter. Drink juices, especially seasonal and made from vegetable! Juices should be prepared in low speed presses.
Now it’s time for supplementation:
As an integral part of immune enhancement is to ensure proper production of immune cells, therefore our diet should be rich in: B vitamins and folic acid, zinc, selenium, iron, copper, vitamin A, vitamin D3, vitamin C, vitamin E. I have written HERE AND HERE. Ashwagandha, Schisandra, Gotu Kola, Rhodiola etc. they help to adapt the body to the current conditions, and also act anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer.
White blood cells draw energy from glycolysis derived from glucose-related changes. This makes eating the right amount of carbohydrates very important for us. In addition, fats are necessary as they form an integral part of cell membranes. Remember that your diet should be rich in omega-3 fatty acids.
Remember about the prebiotics! (I WROTE ABOUT IT MANY TIMES HERE)
Resistant starch is a prebiotic that balances the immune system. Cook rice and let it cool down (preferably place it in the fridge for 12 hours) and then cook again. This will greatly affect your intestinal bacteria.
Help yourself with natural antibiotics: garlic, monolaurs, oregano oil, propolis, thyme, sage. Remember that natural antibiotics act on the first symptoms, not the highly-developed infection.
Tip: Vitamin C plays a huge role in the immune system. It is necessary for the proper functioning of neutrophils, which literally eat the bacteria.
Tip: Take a teaspoon of coconut oil and rinse your mouth for about 20-30 minutes. We repeat this several times a day. This is a very good solution for sore throat. Remember to spill the oil on paper and throw it into the trash. Do not swallow because it contains cumulative bacteria. Coconut oil is bactericidal and perfectly draws toxins from the mouth.
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- Low D.: Reducing antibiotic use in influenza: challenges and rewards. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2008; 14: 298-306.
- Gatchel R.J., Baum A., Krantz D.S.: An introduction to health psychology. Random House, New York 1989
- Suzanne C.: Stress, Energy, and Immunity An Ecological View. Curr Dir Psychol Sci. 2007; 16: 326–330.
- Dhabhar FS.: Effects of stress on immune function: the good, the bad, and the beautiful.
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- Segerstrom SC, Miller GE.: Psychological Stress and the Human Immune System: A Meta-Analytic Study of 30 Years of Inquiry. Psychological bulletin. 2004; 130: 601-630.
- Glaser R, Kiecolt-Glaser J.: How stress damages immune system and health.
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