How to eat to feel good?
It might seem that we all know the answer, but it’s still worth asking yourself this question over and over again, especially during the summer.
Our health is of course crucial and it should be the main goal of a proper diet. A great frame of mind, energy boost, a dream body, and a focused mind are just the beginning of a long list of advantages.
Everyday duties fill almost all our free time and it’s hard to find a spare moment to prepare fresh and healthy meals.
Let me give you some advice… It’s easier to follow a healthy diet if you plan your meals ahead, make a list of the necessary ingredients and, of course, do the shopping. This way you will avoid trash food, which is a great excuse for lack of time, because all the products you need to prepare something tasty and healthy will already be at home.
Follow these simple rules:
- Eat whole grain cereal products – they provide a lot of fiber and minerals.
- Buy seasonal vegetables and fruits – they are a valuable source of many vitamins and antioxidants.
- Eat less meat, especially red and fatty meat – fatty meat usually contains a lot of cholesterol, red meat contains amino acid homocysteine, which promotes the deposition of cholesterol in the walls of blood vessels and the development of atherosclerosis.
- Eat a lot of fish and seafood – they are a good source of iodine and omega-3 fatty acids.
- Choose healthy vegetable fats – they contain a lot of essential fatty acids necessary for our body.
Exclude these products from your diet:
- Wheat and cow dairy – wheat is a source of gluten and dairy cow – lactose. Gluten and lactose are the most common causes of food intolerance.
- Highly processed products – they are usually high in calories, and contain lots of fats and simple sugars.
- Legumes – they are sources of lectins, which make it difficult to absorb many valuable vitamins and minerals. Their consumption in large amounts can cause bloating and stomach aches.
Enjoy every bite
Food is one of life’s greatest pleasures.
It is very important to find the time for a meal. It’s not a race … Eat slowly and in peace, and chew the food thoroughly. Stress and rush can lead to many stomach problems.
Stick to the simple rule, TASTY AND HEALTHY! You will delight your palate, and after the meal you will feel healthy and light.
If you’re looking for culinary inspiration, visit my blog and check out my app Diet & Training by Ann.
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