Alcohol and our health!
Recently I came across a shocking results of research on alcohol. New Year is approaching, and with it a lot of toasts, so I decided to give you a little warning.
Stimulant legal and popular in our country is wreaking the body in the same way as hard drugs. The only difference is that it works much more slowly and you dont see the damage done. Even the smallest dose of neurotoxin can causes brain damage. In addition, the alcohol contributes to liver, heart, and tumor growth. Ingestion it is the cause of many accidents and strokes, and therefore alcohol is dangerous in many ways.
The impact of alcohol on the brain:
- an increase in the concentration of alcohol lowers the level of creatine which is the protection of the brain and is involved in energy metabolism. It is true that changes in the brain are reversible after a short time, but its ability to regenerate decreases with progressive poisoning of the body. Compulsive alcoholics have visible permanent brain damage (hallucinations). Regular alcohol consumption interferes with cognitive abilities, even among those who did not have any neurological symptoms. Moreover, it can weaken the body’s ability to fight infection and also have a negative impact on learning and memory by weakening brain cells
- Alcohol also damages the neurotransmitter GABA in the brain, which results in “sleep” of some cells. As a result, the person becomes clumsy and slow, or loses control over his body
- Person can stop thinking rationally and is taking irresponsible decisions because alcohol causes a decrease in activity in the prefrontal cortex of the brain
- weakened registration memories, that is known colloquially as “broken film” is a result of the impact of alcohol on the temporal cortex containing the hippocampus. This substance is responsible for creating new memories
- damage to the stomach tissue interferes with the absorption of nutrients, and this leads to vitamin deficiencies. Lack of vitamin B1 causes Wernicke’s encephalopathy, which is manifested impaired sense of time and space of double vision and apathy. It is a chronic form of Korsakov psychosis, which causes loss of memory and inability to learn new things
The impact of alcohol on the heart:
- long-term drinking can damage the heart muscle (cardiomyopathy)
The impact of alcohol on the nervous system:
- loss of the ability to control impulses which leads to paralysis and limb tremor, and even losing the overall control
- sometimes you hear the theory that one glass of wine or vodka or beer will help you to fall asleep. Do not forget, however, that the use of this advice regularly can lead to alcoholism, and it is associated with very serious complications, including poor sleep quality
The impact of alcohol on the eyes:
- Alcohol affects muscle control eye, the iris loses its ability to react quickly to light which causes blurred vision
The impact of alcohol on hormones:
- dehydration caused by alcohol can stop the production of antidiuretic hormone the pituitary gland of the brain, which supports the kidneys in filtering the blood and separating water from toxins. They are the cause of so-called. “Hangover”
The impact of alcohol on the liver:
- liver tries to neutralize harmful alcohol producing the aldehyde, which is also poisonous and further enhances the feeling of “hangover”
- consumption of alcohol requires the liver work very hard. With time, the scars that are forming are reducing the organ and cause its failure as a result of the block of natural movement
Many times I came across people trying to use many excuses on alcohol and exploration of its beneficial properties. The most common theory must be that red wine contains resveratrol, which is a very potent antioxidant, anti-aging. What can I add … Maybe this is a good excuse, but raspberries, mulberries and peanuts also hides a wealth of resveratrol, and are certainly healthier 🙂
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