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Who do you see in this photo? I know that now there will be many expressions in the comments …...
Christmas. Mackerel baked in paper with Christmas spices and red pine oil Ingredients (for 1 person) 1 mackerel 1/2 teaspoon...
Not only simple as we like, but also very good! Christmas recipes often cause us to be horrified “Whole day...
Benefits of Gotu Kola Gotu Kola (Centella asiatica) is an important medicinal herb used in many Asian countries. This plant...
It’s hard to imagine Christmas without Christmas spices 🙂 they give a unique flavor and Christmas scent. They are also...
brrrrrrrr… cold! When winter is coming, each of us would most likely love to grab a warm blanket and...
I wrote many times about about how important it is to take care of your diet during the winter. HERE...
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