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We have still winter outside the windows... Christmas is over and there is no trace apart from the additional centimeters here and there, and you gave up on your New Year's ?
The biggest interest on the blog lately is for sweets and cake :) You write about cravings in connection with the winter and unfavorable aura.
If you compare multivitamin for women to prenatal vitamins, we can see that the preparations for pregnant women have more folic acid and iron.
Dear Mum's ! Your / our health is very important :) So from time to time i add recipes, which should be in your menu. About the diet for pregnant women I wrote HERE.
Lunges - correct way of performing the exercise
Often you ask to what I add spirulina or chlorella because you do not have idea how to use it.
There is a winter outside the window, and with it there are very low temperatures ... Maybe that's why it is worth to follow the trail of our ancestors and to adequately protect our bodies from the cold?
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