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I have already invited coconut oil to my kitchen a long time ago. I didnt known that it was healthy,...
It would be hard to overestimate the role of beverages when it’s scorching hot outside. Luckily, the human body has its own thermoregulatory mechanism.
Market stalls are bursting with red, yellow, and green! I love July! Let’s make use of its goodies, especially seasonal fruits – never again will they have as much flavor and be of such high nutritional value!
Today, I have a few words for you about electrolytes. Why electrolytes? Because during summer we lose more of them.
If somebody asked me what vegetable I am, I’d say, without hesitation, that I’m a beet. ;)
I’m gonna encourage you to exercise outdoors throughout the whole summer
It’s Sunday! Let’s get ourselves some active rest :)!
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