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Still this blog is read by couch potatoes and computer freaks behind their desks who really want to be healthier, active and eat healthily.
Coffee with butter? Of course!
It’s time to tell you about the town I live in. Perhaps some of you will find it interesting enough to include this place in your itinerary?
You can already buy healthy after workout bars in the shops.
Do you often have no idea what to eat between meals? Something healthy and slightly sweet?
September is a month when many people are building their schedules for the next 10 months to come. I hope they include doing sports in them. Though exercising should be done wisely. Today I will remind you about a few important rules.
I found this recipe deeply hidden in my archives :). I’m glad to have found it and I’ll willingly make use of it tomorrow, because such a vegetable plate means a colourful yummy meal!
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