Broad bean!
We can’t enjoy the fresh broad bean long, so let’s eat it! The broad bean as a legume has a lot of ‘good’ protein, but it’s famous for containing a great deal of folic acid, as well.
It’s rich in potassium, but has little sodium. It’s a good source of phosphorus. Soluble fiber included in the beans controls the cholesterol level and reduces blood pressure. The only drawback of the broad bean is its quite high glycemic index, yet it is recommended for those who are fighting overweight.
Legumes, the broad bean is no exception, have a reputation of causing bloating and intestines trouble. It’s easy to avoid those problems using appropriate spices: caraway, fennel and marjoram. It is said that soaking the broad beans and changing water to fresh before cooking helps avoid it.
Young broad beans can be eaten raw with their skin. In the skin there are the most valuable ingredients for us. We can steam broad beans, those who are sensitive can peel broad beans.
The broad bean is good for salads, we can use it to make cream, soups and many different dishes, though, its fans lean toward the simplest version: warm, with a little butter.
To the broad beans! 🙂
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