Infections, Viruses – How to Defend Yourself?
Viral infections have been with us for years and are among the most common you can get. They can cause various symptoms, take many forms sometimes acute or chronic. So the question is how to defend yourself? Let’s start with our immunity.
There are two types of immunity, i.e. non-specific (innate) immunity which is genetically determined. The skin and mucous membranes are the first protection of the body against pathogens.
Acquired immunity is the second line of defense. It develops throughout your life and is based on complex cell sequences. Congenital and acquired immunity support each other creating the body’s defense system. When our system works properly, the body is able to protect us against microbes such as viruses or bacteria. If it is weakened, it will mean frequent infections, colds, and other illnesses.
What can weaken our immunity?
Our lifestyle has a significant impact on immunity. Drugs, such as alcohol or cigarettes, will adversely affect them, they will quickly destroy the first line of defense against pathogenic germs. A monotonous diet, rich in simple sugars, trans fats or highly processed products, will weaken the body’s defenses. Our immune system is closely related to the nervous system, and therefore stress, especially when chronic, will weaken your immunity. As I mentioned before, you should also avoid sleep deficit, and remember that the right amount of sleep is 7-8 hours a day. A tired body is more susceptible to viral infections.
Immunity is key
Remember that taking care of your body’s immunity and proper hygiene is the best thing you can do to protect yourself against viruses.
Doctors say that a healthy lifestyle and a proper diet are very important factors in the prevention of viral infections. Here are some simple rules that will help you in the fight:
- Add herbs to your diet. Onions, garlic, ginger, oregano, turmeric, cistus, thyme, and licorice have a virucidal effect. They are great for times of increased infection rates.
- Regular physical activity. It doesn’t matter whether at home or outside, the fact is that every move you make has a positive effect on your immunity.
- Eat more vitamin C. It increases the immunity of mucous membranes to infections. Good sources of vitamin C are primarily: bell pepper, elderberry, chokeberry juice and raspberry juice, fermented vegetables, citrus fruit.
- Important microelements – zinc and selenium. Zinc activates immune cells and protects them from the effects of oxygen radicals. What’s more, selenium produces antibodies when there is a risk of infection. You can find them in the following products: Brazil nuts, seafood, poultry, liver, sunflower, legumes, whole grain cereal, nuts, almonds, sesame, sprouts, garlic, onion, yeast.
- Get enough fluids. Water hydrates the body and helps remove toxins. You can add ginger, raspberry juice or honey to warm drinks as these products are bactericidal and bacteriostatic, stimulate immunity and this way you have an additional weapon at your disposal.
- Wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly. Pay special attention to washing thoroughly those foods that you eat raw due to the bacteria that may be on their surface. It is worth bearing in mind how long it takes for some food products, especially exotic ones, to reach our shops.
- Wash your hands more often than you usually do. Myjcie ręce częściej niż zwykle. Try not to touch the handrails and door handles in public places. You can read how to wash your hands HERE.
You can find more information on how to boost your immunity HERE.
To sum up, a balanced diet allows our body to maintain good condition. Thanks to this, the body can better cope with the viruses that attack it. You should also remember about physical activity, but not only occasionally, but regularly, regardless of the time of year. Physical activity and diet provide the body with the ability to react effectively in difficult situations, also in the fight against infection. Taking care of the immune system must take place every day, even with the slightest activities. Remember to use herbs that have virucidal properties in your cooking. It is especially worth using them now more often. Pay attention to proper hygiene, and in particular make sure that you thoroughly wash and disinfect your hands, so as not to run the risk of becoming ill. You need to work every single day for good immunity, so start now!
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