Hot Cocoa for kids, athletes, active, busy and stressed people
Hot Cocoa for kids, athletes, active, busy and stressed people
What are the values of cocoa?
Cocoa is obtained from cocoa fruits from tropical South American forests. Most of the compounds contained in it are susceptible to high temperatures. For this reason, raw cocoa, which is not subjected to heat treatment, retains its healthy values:
- It contains more antioxidants than red wine or green tea
- it contains Iron, zinc, manganese, potassium, B vitamins and fiber
- Causes oxygenated blood
- Lowers blood pressure
- It is rich in tryptophan, which is converted to one of the main neurotransmitters in our body – serotonin (often also called happiness hormone)
- Improves concentration and work of mind
- Relaxes (especially recommended for people with chronic stress)
- Raises the level of serotonin (the so-called happiness hormone in the brain)
Serotonin is secreted by the hypothalamus. This is the hormone that transmits information between the cells of our control center – the brain.
- it is responsible for the quality of our sleep (phase), calms us down.
- Affects the digestive system,
- Regulates blood pressure,
- Plays a role in the menstrual cycle.
- It triggers the desire for sweets, because sugar increases serotonin levels
- The deficiency leads to insomnia, mood disorders, sadness, apathy, depression, aggressive behavior, eating disorders.
Thanks to the content of compounds such as theobromine, caffeine and anandamide, cocoa has a stimulating effect, improving mood.
The content of phenylethylamine (PEA) in cocoa is raising the level of dopamine in the body, which translates into improved focus, alertness and well-being.
Dopamine is produced by the brain cells and spinal cord. When you’re in the good mood – when watching a scene in a movie, a view, etc., dopamine levels increase dramatically.
Dopamine deficiency leads to:
- Laziness,
- Difficulties with getting up early morning,
- Lack of concentration
- Being upset
People who drink coffee and energy drinks all day may have lowered dopamine levels. That is why I recommend to add cocoa to coffee Recipe below
People who have trouble maintaining normal blood sugar levels will benefit from cocoa intake, as the compounds contained in it reduce the insulin resistance.
According to many studies, as mentioned above, cocoa should not be subjected to heat treatment (which is often difficult), because it is detrimental to the health benefits of it.
Cocoa for pregnant women
According to the Finnish researchers,kids of the pregnant women which consumed a bit of real bitter chocolate from cocoa daily, were more active, more in contact with the environment, and were smarter than their peers. And that’s because of the elevated levels of secreted happiness hormones, especially serotonin, which penetrates through the placenta. This hormone improves mood and reduces stress.
This is my frequent, healthy snack
Remember, however, that dark chocolate contains caffeine, so you can not overdo it with the quantity.
Cocoa is a great addition to mousses or fruit cocktails, pastries, desserts and … COFFEE
As you know i love BULLETPROOF COFFEE i wrote about it, and also i wrote about coffee during preganancy HERE
Bulletproof coffee
It is a good solution when we do not have the time and desire to eat breakfast before morning workout or work.
It gives a kick and energy for a few hours. In addition, it suppresses appetite, so it has more and more followers among people on slimming diets. However, remember that Bulletproof coffee is not a full-fledged meal. With so much fat, the other meals should be adjusted so that the all-day menu gives us all the necessary ingredients in the right proportions.
To Drink? Do not to drink? I have been drinking this coffee since a long time and I love it. I recommend, however, to observe the reactions of your body and mind. And as always remember about moderation!
How to prepare a Bulletproof coffee?
My version:
- from 2 up to 6 teaspoons of ghee butter – unsalted
- 1-2 teaspoons of coconut oil (ex. from Foods by Ann )
- 2 cups of freshly brewed coffee (while pregnant use only 1 cup)
- 1 tablespoon of cocoa + pinch o sprinkle on top
- pinch of cinnamon and cardamon
- optional – whipped coconut milk
Blend all the ingredients until getting a light foam. You can also whipped a coconut milk just like for cappuccino. Sprinkle a bit of cocoa powder at the end
Remember that it is good to eat cocoa between meals or after workout. Preferably with products with low mineral content.
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