
Why do I love 🙂 and recommend cocktails so much? Well, start reading, and trust me, you’ll give in to the temptation :).


  • You receive a large dose of vegetables and fruit in a single cocktail. Sometimes it’s difficult to plan a daily menu in a way so that it includes enough plants.
  • It’s quick and easy to make. You use your own favorite ingredients to make a thick cocktail. It takes little time, and – when in a hurry – you can just take the smoothie with you.
  • Children do like cocktails. Kids just love naturally sweetened – thanks to fructose from fruit – creamy consistency. In a cocktail, you can cleverly hide healthy vegetables, which are essential for every child’s diet. And we know only too well that not everybody’s a fan of spinach
  • Convenient when you’re trying to lose some weight. I don’t approve of replacing all meals with cocktails, but it’s a good form of a low-calorie meal.
  • They provide the body with a large dose of vitamins and minerals.
  • Better digestion due to the presence of valuable fiber. However, if you experience bloating or constipation, you’d better start with juices made from cooked vegetables and eliminate the fruit ones (it’s still sugar, a natural one, that’s true, but it’s fructose nonetheless). Remember to include a proper amount of healthy fats in the diet!!
  • It’s a vitamin and an energy “bomb.” With cocktails, you just need a small portion to supply your exhausted body with a lot of extra energy (e.g., bananas and dates) after your workout is over.
  • It’s delicious. You can choose any ingredients you want. Whatever works for you!
  • Detox“. This is a controversial issue in dietetics, but it is certain that never before has human organism been bombarded with so many chemicals. Cocktails allow the body to rest from digesting heavy foods. It’s a good idea to start using herbs, such as dandelion, marigold, cistus, or give an infusion of artichoke a try.
  • Improvement in athletic performance. A healthy cocktail provides your body with the nutrients necessary to succeed during sports competitions and helps regenerate your energy resources after a period of intensive work.
  • Beauty. Skin, hair and nails – all radiant.
  • It’ll make your immune system stronger.
  • You’ll sleep better. Improving health through healthy products rich in minerals and vitamins always leads to a better sleep at night.
  • It’ll give you energy for a long time. You provide your body with the right fuel to get more energy, both in the short and long run.
  • Cocktails reduce appetite – that is, the vegetable ones!
  • Make your brain more powerful. You provide your brain with all the vitamins and nutrients needed to improve mental health, concentration, and memory. Be sure to upgrade your smoothies with healthy fats, like coconut oil or avocado.

Have a good one!

photos: Marta Wojtal

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