Magical broth
Today a recipe inspired by The Five Elements Theory by Anna Ciesielska.
Such long prepared broth will be absorbed and processed even by an organism weakened by disease. It will draw energy as well as lots of valuable nutrients such as calcium, phosphorus and potassium. Long cooking causes that the broth contains well-absorbed collagen.
I recommend it to athletes during increased training activity. They should remember that the first 12 hours after a big effort is the most important in order for the body to regenerate best.
Just after the starting season during the process of supercompensation it’s possible to regenerate energy resources. This happens between competitions/trainings/matches – during the day and at night.
I boiled 3 litres of water and added to it the following ingredients (every minute) in the order given:
- ½ teaspoon thyme
- ¼ teaspoon turmeric
- ½ (approx.) kg meat (good beef, veal, game)
- 3 tablespoons unpasteurized apple vinegar
I cooked it all for an hour and a half adding the following ingredients every minute in the order given:
- 3 medium carrots
- 1 root parsley
- 1 big onion
- 1 celery (one stem)
- 2 cloves garlic
- ½ teaspoon ginger
- 1 pinch cayenne pepper
- 1 bay leave
- 4 berries allspice
- salt (to taste)
- ½ chicken/cock/guineafowl/pheasant
I cooked it for another hour and a half over a low heat. I took out the meat and vegetables. I served it with millet groats cooked on the water.
Every overtired or weakened person deserves such a treat! 🙂
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