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My recipes and culinary inspirations
Today a smoothie with yolks. Yes, egg recipes will be on my blog now :)
Dear blog Readers! Today an exception to the rule “No self-interest on my blog”. This is because I’m bursting with pride, fly with joy and I’m generally happy. Five goals! In 9 minutes!
It’s time to start talking about this difficult issue. The world we live in is for many the world of living in a hurry, competition and multitasking.
I don’t specialize in steaks (it’s still ahead of me), but I happen to cook them. It is usually when my organism is loaded with workouts very much as, for example, during the previous training camp.
I wrote many times on my blog and in my book: there is no one good diet for everybody. Surely we all should avoid highly processed foods, colourful, sweetened drinks, and eat properly composed meals etc.
We do not have to make a lot of effort in order to eat one of the healthiest fish :).
Coffee with butter? Of course!
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