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My recipes and culinary inspirations
You often ask: what healthy options can I choose while travelling in order to avoid fast food or in-flight ‘treats’?
Tartare has both supporters and opponents, but salmon lovers definitely should try my today’s recipe. 🙂 Salmon tartare is a...
To begin with, let me ask you a few questions: Do you happen to check your fridge though you’re not...
We often assume that over the course of the day, in the so called ‘meantime’, we can eat whatever is...
Today is the last day of holidays. It’s worth to use this opportynity and to enjoy the delicious taste of...
There are some days when you totally have no idea what to make for breakfast. There are also days when you know what to make, but you really don't have appetite to do it. On such days I recommend a quick fruit mousse with chia seeds.
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK! Let healthy eating become your lifestyle and not just a passing trend – that’s what...
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